

分类: FECT金融英语 

十五、The Guarantee of the Opening Bank 开证行付款保证

1.we hereby engage with you that all drafts drawn under and in compliance with the terms of this credit will be duly honored 我行保证及时对所有根据本信用证开具、并与其条款相符的汇票兑付

2.we undertake that drafts drawn and presented in conformity with the terms of this credit will be duly honoured 开具并交出的汇票,如与本证的条款相符,我行保证依时付款

3.we hereby engage with the drawers, endorsers and bona-fide holders of draft(s) drawn under and in compliance with the terms of the credit that such draft(s) shall be duly honoured on due presentation and delivery of documents as specified (if drawn and negotiated with in the validity date of this credit) 凡根据本证开具与本证条款相符的汇票,并能按时提示和交出本证规定的单据,我行保证对出票人、背书人和善意持有人承担付款责任(须在本证有效期内开具汇票并议付)

4.provided such drafts are drawn and presented in accordance with the terms of this credit, we hereby engage with the drawers, endorsors and bona-fide holders that the said drafts shall be duly honoured on presentation 凡根据本证的条款开具并提示汇票,我们担保对其出票人、背书人和善意持有人在交单时承兑付款

5.we hereby undertake to honour all drafts drawn in accordance with the terms of this credit 所有按照本条款开具的汇票,我行保证兑付

十六、Special Conditions 特别条款

1.for special instructions please see overleaf 特别事项请看背面

2.at the time of negotiations you will be paid the draft amount less 5% due to… 议付时汇票金额应少付5%付给……(注:这种条款是开证行对议付行的指示)

3.which amount the negotiation bank must authorise us to pay 该项金额须由议付行授权我行付给(注:指佣金的金额)

4.if the terms and conditions of this credit are not acceptable to you please contact the openers for necessary amendments 如你方不接受本证条款,请与开证人联系以作必要修改

5.negotiations unrestricted/restricted to advising bank 不限制议付行/限于通知行

6.(the price)including packing charges (价格)包括包装费用

7.all documents must be separated 各种单据须分开(即联合单证不接受)

