

分类: FECT金融英语 

137.告别1999:Farewell to the Special Year 1999

138.千年虫:The Millennium Bug

139.千禧年的梦想:My Millennium Dreams

140.拥抱新千年:Embracing the New Millennium

141.网上购物:Shopping on the Net

142.参考书的负面效应:My View on the Negative Effects of Reference Books

143.因特网的利与弊:Positive and Negative Aspects of Internet

144.人类第一张基因草图的意义:The Significance of the First Working Draft of Human Genome Map

145.高校合并:The Merging of Universities

146.网上求职:Hunting for A Job on Internet

147.何为新世纪的好老师?:What Is a Good Teacher in the Next Century?

148.中国的外资:China's foreign Investment

149.中国的人才流失:The Talent Flight in China

150.性教育:Sex Education

151.明天的因特网:The Future Tomorrows Internet

152.课堂是以教师为中心还是以学生为中心?:A Teacher-centered Class or A Student-centered Class?

153.现有的考试制度的利与弊:The Positive and Negative Aspects of Exams and the Existing Examination System

154.中国的因特网:Internet in China

155.中国的电脑:Computers in China

156.中国的大学英语教学:College English Teaching in China

157.新的收费政策把学生拒之门外了吗?:Does New Tuition Policy Keep Students Away?

158.家教的利与弊:Positive and Negative Aspects of Home Tutoring

159.教师,国家的未来:Teachers, A Nation's Future

160.电子词典:Electronic Dictionaries

161.教育应是应试教育还是素质教育:Education: Examination-oriented or Quality-oriented

162.提倡创新精神:Develop Our Creative Mind

163.计算机辅助教学:CAI/Computer Assisted Instruction

164.自动取款机的利与弊:Advantages and Disadvantages of the ATM

165.展望廿一世纪:Looking Forward to the 21st Century

166.盗版问题:Problem of Piracy

167.学会如何学习:Learn How to Learn

168.假文凭:Fake Diplomas

169.书的不良影响:My View on the Negative Effects of Books

170.人们为什么热衷于摸彩票?:Why Do People Like to Try Their Luck on Lottery?

171.兼职工作:My View on a Part-time Job

172.无偿献血:Blood Donation without Repayment

173.留学海外:Studying Abroad

174.发展经济还是保护环境?:Developing Economy or Protecting the Environment?

175.电子邮件:The Internet E-mail

176.拥抱知识经济的新时代:Embracing the Knowledge Economy Age

177.努力更新知识:Trying to Renew Knowledge

178.深化(中国的)改革:Deepen China's Reform

179.因特网的利与弊:The Advantages and Disadvantages of Internet

180.我们需要因特网吗?:Do We Need Internet?

181.大学英语考试:College English Test

182.大学英语四、六级考试有必要吗?:Is the College English Test Band 4/Band 6 Necessary?

183.廿一世纪的青年人:The Youth and the 21st Century

