

分类: GRE-GMAT英语 


TOPIC: ISSUE103 - "The study of history has value only to the extent that it is relevant to our daily lives."

With the explosive development of science and technology, people tend to spend more time and energy dealing with their present works, in order to better live in the modern society. When it comes to value of the study of history, there are always a host of different opinions held by different individuals. Does the study of history have value only to the extent that it is relevant to our lives? Admittedly, some people may claim that history is only history itself, which has nothing to do with our daily life nowadays. However, any kind of history is in fact, more or less, relevant to our daily life and can benefit us a lot. Even if those histories that seems of sense to our real life, are literally of considerable significance to human beings.

As is well known that, the swift development of science and technology has to some extent bring to human a myriad of new challenges and problems that people have never met in the history. UAs more new communication methods and more transportation vehicles come into being all over the world, the earth has become increasingly small and as a result, people from different cultures have more direct, in-depth and thoughtful communication, which may cause people to give doubt to the traditional notions and values of their own. Another example concerns the technology of clone, which makes it entirely possible for human to manufacture human organs or even human beings in factories. Yet using such a technology to clone human beings severely contradicts with human traditional ethics and social moralities.U In light of this, lots of individuals may tend to refuse to the study of history.

As a matter of fact, for most individuals, the study of history is more or less relevant to their daily life and can help them accomplish their goals more successfully in modern society. UConsider a child, for example; from the history story of an outstanding leader, the child may learn to establish his life goal, which serves as a light on the way to success in his early life. For scientific researchers, the formers' research achievements are even much more important and were there no research by Newlands from British, how can you imagine that Mendeleev, the famous Russian Chemist would have made his great discovery of Periodic System of Elements. Additionally, everyone has his/her own history, which gives him/her experience and teaches him/her how to avoid repeating mistakes time and times again.U Viewed in this fashion, no one could deny the importance of the study of history in individual's life.

Although some history is seemingly of no relevance to our daily lives, they actually play significant roles in the development process of human beings. UThe history of World War I and II that had taken such disasters to human beings, to some extent facilitates the maintenance of world peace. According to the history of the global warming, it is greenhouse gas, mostly carbon dioxide that leads to the increase of average temperature of the earth, further results in the polar deglaciation and the rise of sea level all over the world. In order to prevent the damage such as the disappearance of most of the littoral cities that the global warming would bring about in the future, we learn from the history of the global warming that to reduce the emitting of greenhouse gas, especially carbon dioxide, is the primary means. It's true that we now live in a world generally in peace, and it's also true that the present world is far away from the disasters resulted from the global warming. However, without investigating the history of global warming, perhaps human would have already been troubled in the damage of the earth ecosystem beyond retrieval, which would severely threaten human's survival.

In summary, the explosive development of science and technology has more or less brought about some new challenges and problems that people cannot solve using only knowledge from the history. As a matter of fact, for most individuals, the study of history is to some extent relevant to their daily lives and can help them accomplish their goals more successfully in modern society. Even some history seemingly of no relevance to our daily lives, may actually plays significant roles in the development process of human beings.

