
考研英语翻译题型示例 (2)

分类: 考研英语 




1. A: What keys are too big to carry in your pocket?

B: A donkey, a monkey, and a turkey.

2. A: Why are you never hungry when you play on a beach?

B: Because of the sand which is there.

3. T: What is a deer without eyes called?

S: No idea.

T: Right. Then what is a deer without legs?

S: Still no idea.


1. A: What makes a road broad?

B: The letter B.

2. A: Why is the letter D like a bad boy?

B: Because it makes ma mad.

3. A: What words may be pronounced quicker and shorter by adding syllables to them?

B: Quick and short.

4. A: What TV program are the ducks watching?

B: The feather-forecast.

5. 我叫倪斌,人儿倪,文武斌。

6. 人曾为僧,人弗可以成佛。女卑为婢,女又何妨称奴。

The man who has been a monk cannot become a Buddha.

The girl who is a bond maid may be called a slave.

三、 语法现象的可译性限度

T: A preposition is a bad word to end a sentence with.

S: Please, teacher, you’ve just ended a sentence with ‘with’.

T: Ah, but what did I end the sentence with ‘with’ for? Do you know?

S: No, teacher, and I don’t know what you ended that one with “with ‘with for’” for.

