

分类: 大学四六级英语  时间: 2023-11-24 15:27:12 
1、 非谓语动词:是一类由动词原形演变而来的表示动作,但又不能构成谓语句子成分的词。
2、 非谓语动词的分类:分词、动名词、动词不定式。
(1) 动名词:其构成为动词原形+ing。它的构成与现在分词完全相同,所以要从两者的用法上区别这两类词。用法:可以被用作句子主语、表语、宾语和同位语。
Eg: (1) Reading affords pleasure. (主语)
(2) The football match between Brazil and China is exciting. (表语)
(3) They enjoyed listening to pop songs very much. (宾语)
(4) My hobby, reading books in bed, remains unchanged. (同位语)
Eg: (1) His giving up smoking is encouraging. (只能用所有格代词)
(2) They enjoyed my/me good cooking. (所有格代词/宾格代词)
(2) 分词:分为现在分词和过去分词两大类。现在分词在构成上与动名词完全相同,而过去分词则在动词后面加-ed构成。同时,还必须详记一些常用的不规则动词的过去式和过去分词。分词在句子中一般用作定语和状语。在详细阐述之前,必须先树立这样一个观念:现在分词表示主动或进行;过去分词表示被动或者完成。这一点是学习分词的根基!
(I) 分词作定语:顾名思义,就是分词可以限定或者修饰名词或代词。现在开一个十分简单的例子:a working desk --- a desk for working/a working man --- a man who is/was working 显然,前这是一个动名词,后者是分词。它们同作定语,但性质不同。从中我们可以看到:凡是分词用作定语都是从定语从句转换而来。这是一个基本原则!
Eg: (1) The windows which face south are broken. ---
The windows facing south are broken.
(2) The man who is talking with the teacher is my father. ---
The man talking with the teacher is my father.
(3) The money invested in this project added up to 20 million yuan. ---
The money, which had been invested in this project, added up to 20 million yuan.
(4) The meeting to be held this weekend is important. ---
The meeting, which is to be held this weekend is important.
结论4:to be+过去分词结构作后置定语,表示即将发生的行为或动作。
(II) 分词作状语:与“分词作定语从定语从句转换而来”如出一辙,分词作状语同样可以看作是从各类状语从句转换而来。分词作状语共7类,分别是:原因、结果、条件、让步、时间、方式和伴随状语。
Eg: (1) Lost in thought, he didn’t even hear her knocking at the door. (原因状语)
(2) He fired, killing two flying birds. (结果状语)
(3) (If) Given more time and money, we could have completed the task. (条件状语)
(4) Doing his homework, the girl was listening to the pop songs. (时间状语)
(5) Gaining much money, he still felt unhappy. (让步状语)
(6) Using negotiation instead of arm force, the two nations eventually solved the border dispute peacefully. (方式状语)
(7) Reading detective books, he lied in bed. (伴随状语)
Eg: (1) When doing his homework, the girl was listening to her classical music. (时间状语)
(2) If given more time and money, we could have completed the task. (条件状语)
(3) Although gaining much money, he still felt unhappy. (让步状语)
Eg: (1) Using negotiation instead of arm force, the two nations eventually solved the border dispute peacefully. (方式状语) ---
(With) the peaceful means used, the two nations eventually solved the border dispute.
Eg: (1) If the weather permitting, we would go outside for a picnic.
(2) After the work done, we will have a relatively long vacation.
Eg: (1) With his homework having been done, he went out for playing basketball.
(2) With the bridge to be completed, the communication between the two cities will surely be strengthened.


