

分类: 大学四六级英语  时间: 2023-11-24 15:27:12 


yiyo:我有一次和一个老外搭同一辆公车,我特别想和他say hello,但一直都没说出口,到了目的地,他竟然和我住一个小区,同时下车,我张了半天嘴,还是没说出口,妈妈在旁边直捅我,让我去和他说话,但我鼓了半天勇气,也没说出口,现在想想,真后悔啊。。。。也为自己的害羞而害羞。。。

soya:其实现在我们碰见老外的机会很多,如果能利用这些机会练习口语的话, 我想一定会有质的提高。当然也要看场合和时间----前两天去考试,回来的时候在公交车上碰到一个 NEW ZEALANDER 要去旅游聊了一会儿, 知道他是在厦大学中文。也是我说英语,他说中文。不过我的英语比他的中文好多了,最后还是被我CONVERT为一起说英语 语言在日常生活中只是交流的工具。

okinawa:是啊 却是机会不少 但是先要问问那个老外来自哪里?有的时候会发现老外的英语还不如我 呵呵 比如来自AFRICA的

Gigaman:Last time, I met two Afghanistanis in the outer beach of Shanghai.
They came to talk with me, "Can you speak English"?
"Sure", I side.
From the conversation, I got to know that these two guys from Afghanistan came to China for business. They firstly flied to Urumuqi from Kabul, where is the capital of that country, and then, went to Shanghai by train.
They want to do the business of a wide range from furnishers to computers, from clothings to house applications.
They asked me to do thier a favor for finding a dictionary of Chinese-Afghan, but we failed even asked the staff in Shanghai foreign language book store, where is the professional place about that.
They asked me for MOTOROLA China's telphone number, and they want to do the business about cell phone with MOTOROLA China.
I consulted 114 for the number, but due to that day is Saturday, the firm is off. I told the two Afghanistanis the result, and they asked me about the next day. I told them the next day which is Sunday is aslo a off day.
After hearing this, the two guys felt very surprised. They said, does there are two days of holiday a week in China? I said yes. They said, there is only one holiday day a week in Afghanistan, and it is Friday.




