

分类: 中学试题 

In 1986, Willie Mays was paid $ 125,000 to play baseball, but the $ 80,000 a year earned by Babe Ruth, the homerun king of the early 1930’s, went a great deal farther.The two men paid greatly different amounts for federal taxes and consumer goods.read what Dr Lawrence Ritter had to say on this matter.Dr Ritter is chairman of the department of finance(财政)at New York University’s graduate school of business.

”On his $ 80,000 Ruth paid $ 11,500 in federal income taxes, giving him a takehome pay of $ 68,500.On his $ 125,000 Mays paid a federal income tax of $ 73,000, leaving $ 52,000 in take-home pay.In addition, consumer prices today are about 2.2 times as high as they were in 1931.At today’s prices, Mays’ $ 52,000 takehome bay would buy what $ 23,000 would have bought in 1931.In terms of purchasing(购买) power, Mays’ Salary(薪水) was worth only about one-third of Ruth’s.”

1.The best title for this passage is ______.

A.Poor Willie B.Rich Babe

C.Rising Price D.Too Much Tax

2.The passage seems truthful because ______.

A.it is about real people

B.Dr Ritter is a famous professor

C.it gives exact figures(数字)

D.it is well written

3.Which of the following is true?

A.Ruth had bigger salary.

B.Mays got more take-home pay.

C.Ruth had bigger purchasing power.

D.Mays could spend less money on consumer goods.

4.Mays’ federal income tax is ______ higher than Ruth’s.

A.14.4% B.58.4% C.44% D.16.8%

5.From the passage we can conclude that ______.

A.the United States is getting richer and richer

B.the dollar today is worth less than it was in the thirties

C.American people are paid today less than in 1931

D.Amercian sportsmen become poorer and poorer

Keys: 1-5 ACCCB

