

分类: 中学试题 

A spell checker is a program that checks the spelling of every word in a document by looking up each word in its dictionary.If the word does not appear in the dictionary, the user is alerted to a possible misspelling, and possible corrections are often suggested.Many word processing(处理) programs include spell checkers.An effective spell checker needs to store a large number of words using efficient data(数据) compression(压缩) techniques, and it must be able to search the list quickly with a binary(二进位的) search.A spell checker will not recognize unusual proper names or specialized terms, but it will often allow you to create your own personal dictionary of specialized words you often use.Spell checkers are valuable aids to proofreading, but they cannot catch the substitution of one correctly spelled word for another(such as form for from, or to for too).Thus they do not make sure that a document is free of spelling errors.

1.Which of the following words will a spell checker not be able to recognize?

A.maximum B.minibus C.Mickey D.Mathilde

2.Which of the following mistakes cannot a spell checker find?

A.Tom is watiting for Mary outsyde the school gate.

B.Tom is waiting or Mary outside the school gate.

C.Tom is waitting or Mary outside the school gate.

D.Tum is waiting for Mary outside the school gate.

3.What does the word “alerted” in the passage probably mean?

A.suggested B.warned C.reminded D.led

Key: 1-3 DBB

