

分类: 中学试题 

( )1.A.wake B.lake  C.game  D.have
( )2.A.big  B.rice  C.milk  D.swim
( )3.A.home B.rose  C.shop  D.hope
( )4.A.head B.eatC.meat  D.weak
( )5.A.car  B.party C.hard  D.warm
( )6.A.cake B.catC.city  D.clock


( )1.My watch is old ,but I like it a lot .
A.not smallB.not newC. not light

( )2.When did they get to the zoo ?
A.go toB.arrive C.reach

( )3.I got a letter from my friend yesterday .
A.heard from  B.heard of  C.wrote to

( )4.The Blacks went to the park last Sunday . They enjoyed themselves.
A.had a meeting  B.had a good time  C.liked themselves

( )5.I do some washing every Saturday .
A.make clothesB.buy clothes  C.wash clothes


6.There are three ________________________ in the tree .(bird)

7.This ruler is the ________________________ of the three .(long)

8.Who lives on the ________________________ floor ?(seven)

9.She often helps ________________________ with my English .(I)

10.I think this sweater is __________________than that one .(beautiful)

Ⅲ 选择填空。(共20分,每小题1分)

(  )1.Tom _________ in Class 1, Grade 3 .
A.am B.is C.are D. be

(  )2.We have only four classes ________ Monday .
A.at B.in C.by D. on

(  )3.This is my bag , and that is ________ .
A.he B.his C.himD. they

(  )4.“ ________ is my skirt ?” “It's behind the door .”
A.Where B.What C.Whose D.Which

(  )5.Granny is badly ill . We have to take her to the ________ .
A.farm B.post office C.shop D. hospital

(  )6.Sam learns Chinese ________ .
A.good    B.nice  C.fine D.well

(  )7.Your father is a policeman , ________ he ?
A.is  B.does C.isn'tD.doesn't

(  )8.“Can you speak Japanese ?” “Only ________ .”
A.little B.a little   C.few D. a few

(  )9.The teacher's name is John Henry Brown .His students call him ________ .
A.Mr. BrownB. Mr. JohnC.Mr. HenryD. Mrs. Brown

(  )10.My mother is busy ________ housework now .
A.doB.doesC.didD. doing

(  )11.Please pass me ________ .
A.two glass of water B.two glasses of waters
C.two glasses of waterD.two glass water

(  )12.“Can you fly a kite ?” “No , I ________ .”
A.may not B.needn't C.mustn't D.can't

(  )13.We often ________ newspapers in the morning .
A.read B.look C.see D.watch

(  )14.I have two apples . ________ of them are on the table .
A.All B.One C.BothD.Each

(  )15.I'm sorry I'm late . There is ________ with my bike .
A.anything wrong B.something wrong
C.wrong anything D.wrong something

(  )16.They will have a sports meeting if it ________ tomorrow .
A.won't rain B.will rain C.doesn't rain D.rains

(  )17.I don't know ________ .
A.he is how old  B.he how old is
C.how old is he  D.how old he is

(  )18.Mr. Smith ________ here since the factory opened .
A.has gone B.has come C.has been D.has arrived

(  )19.My dictionary ________ . I have looked for it everywhere , but still ________ it .
A.is lost ,don't find  B.is missing , don't find
C.has lost ,haven't found  D.is missing , haven't found

(  )20.My uncle ________ to see me . He ________ here in a minute .
A.comes ,is going to be B.is coming , will be
C.has come , has been  D.came , was


 You'd________ ________ to see the doctor today .

 Mike ________ go to bed ________ he finished his homework last night .

 This question is ________ difficult for me ________ answer .

 It _______________ him an hour _____________ mend this bike yesterday afte-rnoon .

 English is ________ important ________ maths .


 A:Hello !91411420 .
 B:Hello .Is Lucy 1________ home ?
 A:Yes .Please 2________ 3________ for a moment .
 C:Hello .4________ is Lucy speaking . Who is 5________ ?
 B:This is Jane .We'd like to go to the West Hills 6________ bike ,and have a picnic there .Would you like to go 7________ us ?
 C:OK . When and where shall we 8________ ?
 B:At 6:30 ,at our school gate .Is that all right ?
 C:No problem .
 B:By the way ,Lily wants to to with us ,too .Please tell her the 9________ and place .
 C:10________ right .

   A:Are you free tomorrow ?
(  )B:11_________
A:What shall we do then ?
(  )B:I don't know . 12_________ .
   A:Good idea ! Shall we ask Jim ?
(  )B:OK ! 13_________ .
(  )A:Well , 14_________ I have a lot of work to do .
(  )B:Don't worry ! 15_________ We'll wait for you as usual .

 A.What about you ?
 B.I can't leave before nine .
 C.What time shall we leave ?
 D.Yes,I think so .
 E.We won't leave before nine .
 F.Let's go for a walk .





 One day we invited some friends to dinner .When it was about six o'clock , my wife found that we had little bread .

 So she asked our five-year-old daughter , Kathy ,to buy some .

 “Here's a dollar,”my wife said ,“get two loaves (条) of bread , if they have it .If they don't have it ,get anything .But hurry !”

 Kathy hurried off ,and we waited and waited .By a quarter past six ,all the friends had arrived .But Kathy had not returned . Finally we saw her dancing around the corner with a bright new hula hoop (呼啦圈) whirling (旋转) round her middle .

 “Kathy ! ”her mother cried .“Where did you get that hula hoop ,and wher-e'sthe bread ?”

 "Well , when I got to the shop ,they had sold all their bread ,answered Ka-thy,“and you said 'If they don't have that,get anything ! '”

( )1.One day Kathy's parents invited some friends to _________ .
A.have breakfast B. have lunch
C.have supper   D. have a party

( )2.How much did Kathy's mother give her ?
A.A dollar  B.Two dollars
C.Five dollars  D.Six dollars

( )3.Kathy _________ in a hurry .
A.played games  B.went to the shop
C.went to dance D.came back home

( )4.What did Kathy buy at last ?
A.Other food  . B.Nothing .
C.Hula Hoop .D.Two loaves of bread

( )5.he temperature in _________ is the lowest in the picture .
A.New York B.Paris C.London D.Moscow

( )6.Which is the best place for swimming in the river today ?
A.Hong Kong . B.Tokyo .  C.Toronto . D.Sydney .

( )7.If you want to go to London today ,don't forget to take ________ .
A.a jacket B.a raincoat C. a suit D. school clothes

( )8.“What do you think about Sydney today ?”“It's _________ .”
A.summer B.windy C.cloudy D.winter


 Sally was a student . It was going to be her mother's birthday . She wanted to buy her a present that would be nice and useful but not expensive .

 A week before her mother's birthday ,she went shopping after a quick and simple lunch .When she had been looking for half an hour ,she found a shop that was selling cheap umbrellas ,and decided to take a black one , since her mother had lost hers the month before .

 She thought , "You could carry that when you are wearing clothes of any co-lour ."So she decided to buy a lovely black umbrella and took it back to the school with her until her classes had finished .

 On her way back home in the train that evening she felt hungry because she had such a small lunch that she went along to the buffet car for another san-dwich and cup of coffee . She had left the black umbrella above her seat in the compartment ,but when she got back ,it had gone ! When she had left the compartment ,but when she got back ,it had gone ! When she had left the comp-artment ,there had been no other passengers in it ,but now there were three .

 Sally began to cry when she saw that the umbrella was no longer there .The other passengers felt very sorry for her and asked what the matter was .She told them that the black umbrella she had bought for her mother was gone,and that she had to get out at the next station .After the three other passenge-rs heard it ,they asked her for her mother's address so that they could send the umbrella to her if someone had taken it by mistake ,and brought it back after Sally had got out of the train .

 The next week ,Sally heard from her mother .It said ,“Thank you very much for your lovely presents ,but why did you send me three black umbrellas ?”

注:umbrella伞;buffet car餐车;passenger乘客;compartment车厢
( )9.Which of the following is the best for the sentence "You could carry that when you are wearing clothes of any colour"?
A.You can carry it when you are wearing any clothes .
B.Any colour of your clothes will be all right .
C.The umbrella will be OK for your clothes in any colours .
D.You can take any clothes that you like to wear .

( )10.What does the story infer (推断) ?
A.Her mother would write to her if she didn't receive the presents .
B.The three umbrellas were sent by the girl .
C.Only four people had ever been to the compartment .
D.Nobody brought the umbrella back .

( )11.The best name of the story is _________ .

( )12.What does the write want to tell us ?
A.You should take care of your things when you are travelling .
B.Show your love to others , and they will bring you love .
C.Children should often come back to see their parents .
D.It's no use crying when you are in trouble .




 Miss Yang works in the library of No.14 Middle School .She loves her work because she ____1____ books .In the library she has got many books ____2____ different subjects .She is very helpful and ____3____ the books very carefu-lly .She is very strict .Everybody ____4____ return the books on time .

 One day Meimei went to the ____5____ . She said she could not ____6____ her library book. Miss Yang asked her to pay for it .At that moment , Lucy came and showed ____7____ book to Miss Yang .It was just ____8____ library book ! Meimei was very ____9____ . She thanked Lucy .Miss Yang told ____10____ to be more careful from then on .

( )1.A.returnsB.lovesC.borrowsD.buys

( )2.A.forB.on  C.in D.of

( )3.A. looks for B.looks like C.looks afterD.looks at

( )4.A. must B.may C.can   D.could

( )5.A. school   B.shop C.cinema D.library

( )6.A. see  B.think   C.find  D.lose

( )7.A. a B.an  C.any   D.some

( )8.A.Meimei's B.Miss Yang's C.Meimei D.Miss Yang

( )9.A.angry B.sorryC.afraid D.pleased

( )10 A.she  B.her C.hers  D.herself


 Without plants ,eople could not live .We need them for both food ___11____ oxygen(氧气) that plants ____12____ .And we also need them for their beauty (美丽).

 Imagine (设想) a world ____13____ no plants .Imagine no flowers with their sweet smells ,their beautiful colours and their lovely shapes (形状).Imagine when the wind blows ,not being able to ____14____ the leaves in the trees or watch the branches (枝条) swing (摇摆) from ____15____.

 Everywhere people need the beauty of plants .That is why we have parks full of trees and flowers ,and people always try to build houses with room for some ____16____ and a garden .

 Do you ____17____ your plants ?Do you give them love and care ? Two scient-ists said they once planted two seeds (种子) in different places .While the plants were growing , one plant was given love and hopeful ideas .The other plant was given ____18____ hopeless ideas .After six months ,the loved pla-nt was bigger . ____19____ the earth it had more and longer roots (根);above the earth , it had a thicker stem (茎) and more ____20____ .

( )11.A.or  B.so  C.but  D.and

( )12.A.give B.produce C.show    D.put

( )13.A.by  B.of  C.with D.without

( )14.A.see B.find C.hear D.enjoy

( )15.A.side to side  B.one by one  C.up and down  D.here and there

( )16.A.grass   B.trees   C.hills D.stones

( )17.A.look at B.smile at C.talk to  D.listen to

( )18.A.some B.only C.great D.even

( )19.A.On  B.In  C.Over D.Under

( )20.A.fruits  B.flowers  C.grassD.leaves



1.it ,Friday ,yesterday

2.we ,have ,a class meeting ,afternoon

3.Mr.Wang ,a talk ,something ,about NATO

4.we ,be ,decide ,study ,and ,make ,country,strong

