

分类: 中学试题 

    九年级上期末词汇总复习练习 ( I )                9AN07R

    姓名 _____________   班级_________   学号 ________   得分 _________
用适当的单词形式填充: 1. The ___________________(headmaster) is giving a talk on the latest __________________   (develop) of our school, isn’t she?
 2. The manager was amazed at the __________________(absent) of his __________________   (assist).
 3. In ___________________(add), I did it just for ___________________(amuse).
 4. Mike made a ___________________(decide) to travel to ___________________(French)   for holiday.
 5. The plan has been under ___________________ (discuss) by the ___________________   (engine) for a year now.
 6. Both of the ___________________(cook) are of the same ___________________(weigh).
 7. The policeman tried to show his ___________________ (kind) to those _________________
 8. My ___________________ (know) of ___________________(electric) is poor.
 9. The ___________________(waiter) called Jenny is the same ___________________(high)
   as you.
10. The ___________________(city) are all pleased with this ___________________(advise).

                     九年级上期末词汇总复习练习 ( II )               9AN07R

    姓名 _____________   班级_________   学号 ________   得分 _________
用适当的单词形式填充:11. The ___________________(fish) has got a coin __________________(collect).12. All the __________________(graduate) can’t afford such a big __________________   (expensive).
13. The _______________________(govern) is taking actions to promote international   ___________________(friend).
14. The ___________________(cycle) made a good ___________________(begin)   in the race.
15. The ___________________ (chemical) teacher has a ___________________(calculate)   in his hand.
16. Then the ___________________(detective) went to the ___________________(check)   to pay the bill.
17. There is no _________________ (choose) for you before _________________(honest).
18. The room is ___________________(crowd) and full of ___________________(active).
19. The ___________________(conduct) led the ___________________(passage) to the
20. The _________________(male) judge showed her ability in the case of _______________   (rob).

                     九年级上期末词汇总复习练习 ( III )              9AN07R

    姓名 _____________   班级_________   学号 ________   得分 _________
用适当的单词形式填充:21. For me, to watch ___________________(perform) is the best way of __________________   (relax).
22. He made a __________________(speak) on __________________(important) of English   study.
23. His ___________________(invent) is no use to our ___________________(message).
24. The ___________________ (visit) is one of the greatest ___________________(invent)   in the world.
25. ___________________ (Recite) is necessary for ___________________(review).26. The ___________________ (science) is fond of Chinese ___________________(paint).
27. The ___________________(tour) carried the boy to _________________(safe) at last.
28. He made a ___________________(suggest) about fighting __________________(pollute).29. It’s a ___________________(please) to receive such an ___________________ (invite).
30. This is a sort of ___________________(busy) ___________________(organize).

                     九年级上期末词汇总复习练习 ( IV )               9AN07R

    姓名 _____________   班级_________   学号 ________   得分 _________
用适当的单词形式填充:31. The ___________________(serve) also included the arrangements of ________________   (sight).
32. You never make sure of the __________________(locate) of the next _________________   (light).
33. I can hardly describe the ___________________(wise) of the ___________________(win).
34. The pilot cancelled the ___________________(fly) because of his ___________________   (tooth).
35. What’s the ___________________(different) between the two sorts of _________________   (free)?
36. Besides __________________(national), here is some more __________________(inform)
   about him.
37. I was surprised at the ___________________ (long) of the ___________________(roast) fish.
38. All the ___________________ (act) and the ___________________(act) were walking from
   the stage.
39. They were all ___________________(excite) by the ___________________ (excite) film.
40. The fish is ___________________(live). It’s a ___________________(live) fish.

                     九年级上期末词汇总复习练习 ( V )                9AN07R

    姓名 _____________   班级_________   学号 ________   得分 _________
用适当的单词形式填充:41. They were truly __________________(frighten) by the __________________(frighten)   aliens.
42. Rivers can be __________________(freeze) in __________________(freeze) weather.43. The story is ___________________(fun). Actually, it’s the ___________________(fun).
   story I’ve ever heard.
44. I’m ___________________(interest) in ___________________(interest) games.45. The news was ___________________(surprise), and I was much ___________________   (surprise) at it.
46. It’s ___________________(rain) today, and you ought to be ___________________(care)
   while riding.
47. They were all ___________________ (satisfy) with such an _________________(enjoy)
   autumn outing.
48. One day I saw a ___________________(home) cat beside the ___________________
   (wood) box
49. I think not __________________(West) but Chinese music full of __________________
   (wonder) melody.
50. The weather is ___________________(change) during the ___________________(snow)   season here.

                    九年级上期末词汇总复习练习 ( VI )               9AN07R

    姓名 _____________   班级_________   学号 ________   得分 _________
用适当的单词形式填充:51. I would feel ___________________(luck) if I kept __________________(health).52. A pet dog is her __________________(favour) and she’s _________________(craze)   for one all the time.
53. Chinese ___________________(history) stories are ___________________(family) to
   Mr. Green, I think.
54. Don’t touch it. It’s ___________________(harm) and ___________________(danger).55. Do you know the ___________________(amaze) saying “Speech is silver, silence is   ___________________(gold)”?
56. The creature was ___________________(power) but ___________________(forget).
57. They’re very __________________(thank) to the teachers of Yichuan _______________
   (second) School.
58. The ___________________(wound) soldier found a cup ___________________(break)
   on the floor.
59. The ___________________(automatically) system is ___________________(help) to us.
60. They are required to take ___________________(physics) examination before the    ___________________(internationalism) games.

                     九年级上期末词汇总复习练习 ( VII )               9AN07R

    姓名 _____________   班级_________   学号 ________   得分 _________
用适当的单词形式填充:61. The other day the _________________(medicine) school received an _________________   (office) letter.
62. He __________________(memory) all the facts and __________________(explanation)   to me in details that day.
63. He did wrong, ___________________(how), he ___________________(apology) to me.
64. It’s ___________________(usually) for us to spend so much money to ________________   (build) the ancient bridge.
65. I __________________(like) and hate him because he is a __________________(honest)   boy.66. He’s ___________________(probable) mad to drive the car so __________________(fast).
67. It’s ___________________(possible) for me to eat something _________________(hungry)
   before others because I don’t think it polite.
68. She walked towards the hole ___________________(gentle) and ___________________
   (appear) all of a sudden.
69. His job is ___________________(possible) to __________________(cycle) the used bottles.
70. __________________(luckily), he failed to get rid of the _________________(healthy) habits.

                    九年级上期末词汇总复习练习 ( VIII )              9AN07R

    姓名 _____________   班级_________   学号 ________   得分 _________
用适当的单词形式填充:71. It was raining ___________________(special) ___________________(heavy) that night.72. ___________________(immediate), he came ___________________(straight) up to me.73. _________________(lucky), we can go home now. It’s ___________________(necessary)
   for us to wait here.
74. I’m ________________(terrible) sorry. I’ve forgotten to bring the electric ______________   (heat) you want.
75. He’s a ___________________(fool). It’s ___________________(fool) of him to believe   in what she said.
76. “You ___________________(must) do it” stands for “You are not ___________________
   (allow) to do it”.
77. He’s got a __________________(head). He doesn't have _________________(stomach).
78. Though it was ___________________(wind), the small aeroplane landed on the ground
   ___________________(safe) after all.
79. They were all __________________(amaze) at the __________________(judge) words.
80. In the afternoon, he went to the ___________________(dentist) as __________________   (usually).

九年级上期末词汇总复习练习答案                 9AN07RDa

I. 1. headmistress  development  2. absence  assistant  3. addition  amusement  4. decision  France
5. discussion  engineers  6. cooks  weight  7. kindness  Italians  8. knowledge  electricity
9. waitress  height  10. citizens advice
II. 11. fisherman  collection  12. graduates  expense  13. government  friendship  14. cyclist  beginning
15. chemistry  calculator  16. detective  checkout  17. choice  honesty  18. crowded  activities
19. conductor  passenger(s)  entrance  20. female  robbery
III. 21. performances  relaxing  22. speech  importance  23. invention  messenger(s)24. visitor  inventors 
25. Recitation  revision  26. scientist  paintings  27. tourist  safety
28. suggestion  pollution  29. pleasure  invitation  30. business  organization
IV. 31. service  sightseeing  32. location  lightning  33. wisdom  winner  34. flight  toothache
35. difference  freedom  36. nationality  information  37. length  roasted  38. actors  actresses
39. excited  exciting  40. alive  living
V. frightened  frightening  42. frozen  freezing  43. funny  funniest  44. interested  interesting
45. surprising  surprised  46. rainy  careful  47. satisfied  enjoyable  48. homeless  wooden
49. Western  wonderful  50. changeable  snowy
VI. 51. lucky  healthy  52. favourite  crazy  53. historical  familiar  54. harmful  dangerous
55. amazing  golden  56. powerful  forgetful  57. thankful  Secondary  58. wounded  broken
59. automatic  helpful  60. physical  international
VII. 61.medical  official  62. memorized  explained  63. however  apologized  64. unusual  rebuild
65. dislike  dishonest  66. probably  fast  67. impossible  hungrily  68. gently  disappeared
69. possibly  recycle  70. Unluckily  unhealthy
VIII. 71. especially  heavily  72. Immediately  straight  73. Luckily  unnecessary  74. terribly  heater
75. fool  foolish  76. mustn’t  allowed  77. headache  stomach-ache  78. windy  safely
79. amazed   judge’s  80. dentist’s usual

