
英语辅导阅读训练:Saving a Life

分类: 中学试题 


“Mom,guess what I learned at school today!”shouted Ruth Perkins'daughter Ann-Marie.

Ruth smiled at her daughter's excitement.As the 12-year-old went on and on about CPR( 1 )and the Heimlich maneuver( 2 ) , mom nodded( 3 )proudly.Little did she guess how well her daughter knew her stuff!

Just three weeks later,Ann-Marie,her mom,and her grandmother stopped for lunch at Dave's Restaurant.As the waitress set down their water,Ann-Marie heard a gasping( 4 ) sound behind her.

“Someone can't breathe!”,she thought.Turning,she saw Peter Moody,the restaurant owner,hitting a man on the back.Eighty-four-year-old Bill Russell had recently( 5 )lost his wife of 59 years and had come to Dave's to help himself get through the day—his wedding anniversary( 6 ) .Now he was choking on( 7 )a piece of meat.

Ruth looked at her daughter.“The Heimlich maneuver!”Ruth blurted( 8 ) .“If you need to use it,can you?”

“Yes,”a frightened Ann-Marie said.

Just then,one of Bill's friend,yelled( 9 ) ,“Does anyone know the Heim lich maneuver?”

In the crowded restaurant,only Ann- Marie's hand shot up—and it was trembling( 10 ) .“I hope I remember it,”she thought.“I have to try!”

“I need him to stand up,”Ann-Marie said,and Irene and Ruth lifted the 5′7″,150-pound man.Then the 4′10″,110-pound girl positioned her legs between Bill's feet and locked her arms around him.Placing her hands just above his stomach?( 11 ),she made a fist( 12 )with her right hand and cupped it with her left.Then she gently( 13 )pressed( 14 )in and up.

Nothing.Again,Ann-Marie thrust( 15 )in and up.Again,nothing.

“Harder,Ann-Marie!”urged( 16 )Ruth.

Please,please let this be right,Ann-Marie prayed( 17 ).Mustering( 18 )all her strength?( 19 ),she gave Bill a forceful( 20 )thrust and the piece of meat dislodged( 21 )at last.Gulping( 22 ),Bill sank into a chair.

“It's gone!”he cried.“Thank you!”

Ann-Marie blushed( 23 )as all the people in the restaurant started to applaud( 24 ).Just then, param edics( 25 )arrived and checked Bill,who declined( 26 )to go to the hospital,saying he felt fine.

“You did the right thing,and you did it well!”a paramedic told her.

At a statewide convention( 27 )last month, they presented( 28 )Ann-Marie with the Medal of Honor( 29 ).

“I'm so glad I was there,”says Ann-Marie,“And that I knew just w hat todo!”

注释: ( 1 )心肺复苏法( 2 )海姆利克氏操作法( 3 )点头( 4 )喘息的( 5 )最近( 6 )结婚纪念日( 7 )被……噎住( 8 )脱口说出( 9 )大声喊道( 10 )颤抖?( 11 )腹部?( 12 )拳头?( 13 )轻轻地?( 14 )压?( 15 )挤?( 16 )催促?( 17 )祈祷?( 18 )聚集?( 19 )力量?( 20 )有力的?( 21 )脱落?( 22 )吞食?( 23)脸红?( 24 )鼓掌?( 25 )医护人员?( 26 )婉拒?( 27 )州级大会?( 28 )赠给?( 29)荣誉奖章


1.Which of the following sentences best describe the article?

   a)Life is so precious so we should treasure every minute of it.

   b)We should chew meat very well before swallowing it.

   c)Don't panic in an emergency situation.

   d)Everyone should be trained to learn the Heimlich maneuver.

2.CPR refers to the following hum an organ:





3.Dr.H.J.Heim lich,who discovered the emergency technique of Heimlich maneuver,is

   a)a German surgeon

   b)a British surgeon

   c)an American surgeon

   d)Czechoslovakian surgeon

4.A paramedic is a:




   d)medical personnel

5)Word Meaning:

   a)LIFE:1.manner of living;   2.death;   3.sickness;

   b)SAVE:1.end;                2.rescue;  3.set aside;


Saving a Life: 1.c)2.a)3.c)4.d)5.a)1.b)2.

