

分类: 中学试题 
Section III 科普小品篇答案与解析
Passage 23 【答案与解析】本文介绍了科学家对阿斯匹林的研究成果。实验表明,阿斯匹林可以预防或削弱老年人患心脏病的危险,但实际的效果和服用者的饮食有一定的关系。研究人员说,服用可药品要遵医嘱。
1. D。短文首段的末句“…sharply reduce the chance that a healthy, older man will suffer from a heart attack.”即是本题答案的出处.
2.D。注意“…reduce the chance that a healthy, older man will suffer from a heart attack .”本句中的healthy, older这两个词,即可得出答案。
4. B。根据“239 men who did not take aspirin suffered from heart attacks. Twenty-six of them died.”一句中的239和26这两个数字即可算出。
Passage 24 【答案与解析】这篇科普说明文通过一个简易的小实验,证实了人的眼睛里有一个盲点。当外界物体的影像落在盲点上时,人就看不见该物体了。
2.C。“…But if you move the card nearer to your face, the letter will be seen again”,由这几个句子的意思可知字母L在眼睛中消失了。注意消失和消散的区别。
3.B。答案在“When the image of the letter falls on the blind spot, it won’t be seen.”中。
5.D。通篇考虑短文,可知D为最佳答案。这由文首一句及“…It is because there is a blind spot on the eye.”也可得出。
Passage 25 【答案与解析】这篇短文告诉我们的是:天气的冷热干湿对人体健康有很大的影响。比如心脏病高发区所在地往往是严寒或酷热。大风或炎热天气里,人的智商会降低。瘦人怕冷天,而炎炎夏日对胖人又不利。此外,低气压还能导致健忘。
2.C。第三段的首句“The weather can also influence intelligence”说的就是这个意思。
3.A。本题属表层理解题。答案就在“Low air pressure may make people forgetful.”中。
4.D。由“People feel best at a temperature of about 18 centigrade.”一句可知。
5.B。根据文章最后的“Are you feeling sad, tired, forgetful, or unhappy today? It may be the
weather’s problem.”这一句,我们可以推测出作者的写作意图。
Passage 26 【答案与解析】这篇阅读材料向我们介绍了气象卫星在预报天气中所发挥的重要作用。如今,许多国家的气象站都是在接收到卫星云图后,由气象学家进行研究分析,然后预报天气的。在卫星的帮助下,人们可以预测未来三五天或更长时间内的天气状况。
2.D。“From the pictures,the scientists can often say how the weather will change.”是该小题答案的出处。
3.D。答案就在“the meteorologists compare them with earlier ones. Perhaps they may find that the clouds have changed during the last few hours. This may mean that the weather on the ground may soon change, too.”中。
4.D。文章结尾的“Soon, perhaps, they may be able to forecast the weather for a week or more ahead.”这句即是答案之所在。
Passage 27 【答案与解析】这篇短文分为三个落:第一段列举了科学家研究了人们每天要吃的食物;第二段讲述了不同国家的人们饮食习惯和饮食结构等各方面有很大差异。但这些对人来说都没不是很重要的,重要的是每天吃什么。第三段阐述了两个问题:如何解决世界人口的吃饭问题,既要吃饱,又要吃得健康。
2.D。由“The important thing is what you eat every day.”及第一段的内容可知D是正确答案。而根据第二段可知A、B、C皆为错误的。
3.D。第二段开头的“People in different countries and different places of the world eat different kinds of things. Foods are cooked and eaten in many different kinds of ways.”这两句是解答本题的关键。
5. B。A、C和D都是在上文刚刚谈论过的,又根据第三段“There are two problems, then, in feeding the large number of people on the earth.”所提的两个问题,可以推知下文可能要谈论
Passage 28 【答案与解析】该短文的大意是:百分之十五的人习惯于使用左手进行工作。这是因为大脑的工作方式造成的。人的两个大脑半球大小相差无几,但各有分工。左半球掌管语言、数学和逻辑等;右半球则控制艺术、颜色和音乐等。惯用左手的人,他们的大脑左半球相比右脑更发达些。不过这也不是绝对的。
1.A。本小题有一定的难度,但考虑到短文首句的后的“They are all left-handed”一句还是可以推测出来正确答案的。
2.C。“The answer is the way the brain works.”,本句是解答该题的关键。
4. D。“唱歌”属于艺术类,根据“The right side of the brain controls your love of art, colors and
Passage 29 【答案与解析】这篇科学说明文浅显的文字,介绍了微波炉的构造并详细讲述了它的操作使用方法。
1.It tells us how to use a new microwave oven。由文首的“Before you use your new microwave oven, read the instructions carefully”,可以得到本文的主旨是“讲述微波炉的使用方法”。2.Defrost, cook or warm food。短文末句的 “Under the time are the different functions (功能).You can press (按) Defrost, Cook, Clock, or Power. You can also warm food by pressing Reheat Times.”这句话是答案的出处。
3.First, press the number 2, 3, and 0. Then press Power. Next press the number 7. Finally press Start to begin cooking. 由短文中的“Suppose (假设)you want to cook a serving of broccoli for two minutes and forty-five seconds on MEDIUM power (level 5). First, press the numbers 2, 4 and 5 (two minutes, forty-five seconds). Then press Power. Next, press the number 5.”可以知道若是需要两分钟四十秒的时间来做菜的话,则是这样来操作。由此可知要是做豆角的话,需要用时两分钟三十秒,则应按2,3,0这三个钮。再根据前面的说明,可不难找到答案。
4. Start. 由“Under the numbers are and Clear.”和“At last, press Start to begin cooking.”可知这是答案的出处。
5.It will clear the display and allow you to start over again. 这是文章最后讲的一层意思,答案即在“If you make a mistake, press Clear. This will clear the display and allow you to start over again.”一句中。
Passage 30 【答案与解析】睡觉要占去人一生三分之一左右的时间。人为什么要睡觉?这个问题一直使人们,包括科学家在内,都困惑不解。本文向读者介绍了不同年龄层次的人们,睡眠的需求也不尽相同。
4.A.14岁的孩子属于early teenage. 他们的睡眠时间与成年人相同。故答案为A。
Passage 31
1.In the freezer. 答案就在“But most people want to go into the freezer.”这句话中。但要注意most一词方能正确解答。
2.They hope that they can come back to life one day. “…When a cure is found, warm up his or her body,bring it back to life and take the cure.”是答题的依据。
3.They usually keep it in liquid nitrogen at a temperature of 328 degrees below zero. 显然,答案出自“Once the body is frozen, it is kept in liquid nitrogen(液态氮)at a temperature of 328 degrees below zero.”这句话中。
4.Around 1000 people. 本题属表层理解题。由“Now around a thousand people are going to take cryogenic treatment(处理),though most scientists say it won't work.”可知,
5.No,he can't. “…Because every one of his cells will be broken.” “…it won't work. If we freeze huge creatures(生物)like humans, every one of their cells(细胞)will be broken.”是答案的出处。

