

分类: 专业四八级英语 

1. People from Brazil enjoy watching football.

a) The Braziliers

b) The Brazilish

c) The Brazilians

d) Brazil people

2. The government has created a scheme to get people without jobs back to work.

a) people unemployed

b) the unemployed

c) the no job people

d) the employless

3. Luxury yachts are seen by many as the status symbol of people who are rich and famous.

a) the wealth and celebrity

b) rich and the famous

c) be rich and famous

d) the rich and famous

4. _______ make wonderful cheeses.

a) The French

b) The Frenchish

c) France people

d) The Francers

5. The memorial happens every year to honour the people who died in the accident.

a) the died

b) the dead

c) the dead people

d) the lifeless

6. The shelter was set up to give people with no homes somewhere to live.

a) the people homeless

b) the no home people

c) the homeless

d) the unhomed

7. It's difficult for people who are young to buy a house when house prices are so high.

a) the youngish

b) the unold

c) the younged

d) the young

8. The nurses in the hospital did a great job of looking after the people who weren't well.

a) the sick

b) the not well

c) the unwell people

d) the sickish


1) c, 2) b, 3) d, 4) a, 5) b, 6) c, 7) d, 8) a.

