
英国的形成历史概况 2

分类: 专业四八级英语 

1. Geoffrey Chaucer's best known work is the Canterbury Tales which describes a group of pilgrims traveling to Canterbury to visitTomas Becket's tomb.


2. The baron's charter, or Magna Carta, as it came to be known was presented by a delegation of their class to the king and his advisers in the summer of 1215.


3. A committee of 24 barons plus the Mayor of London was chosen to help the king carry out the Charter, with the right of declaring war on him should he break its provisions.


4. Magna Carta was a statement of feudal and legal relationship between the crown and the barons, a guarantee of the freedom of the church and a limitation of the power of the king.


5. While the king Henry Ⅲ and Prince Edward were keep in prison, Simon de Montfort summoned in 1265 the great council to meet at Westminster which developed later into the Lords and the Commons known as a parliament.


