
人文知识练习附讲解 34

分类: 专业四八级英语 

1. As a literary figure, Stephen Dedalus appears in two novel by____.

A D.H Lawrence

B John Galsworthy

C George Eliot

D James Loyce

2. The French lieutenant’s woman is the masterpiece of ____.

A john Fowles

B Doris lessing

C Muriel spark

D Joseph Conrad

3. The golden notebook was written by____.

A john fowels

B Doris lessing

C Muriel spark

D Joseph Conrad

4. Waiting for Godor is a(an)____by Samuel beckett.

A novel

B poem

C play

D essay

5. “kitchen sink realism”is referred to as the works of ___.

A novel

B poem

C play

D essay

6. Seamus Heaney won the Nobel Prize of literature in 1995 and most of his poems focused on the ___.

A city life

B legend

C country

D history

7. an article on “the observer”describes the bursting of all these young ___as a kind of “the movement”.

A poets

B playwright

C novelist

D critic

8. The novel ___told a story of a Nazi war criminal, in this novel Martin Amis set the narrative clock in reverse.

A money, a suicide note

B time’s arrow

C London fields

D dead bodies

9. satanic verses was written by___who was born in a muslin family in Bombay, India.

A salman Rushdie

B kazoo ishguro

C julian barnes

D grahm swift

10. the novel The Remains Of The Day won the booker prize for its author ___who was born in Japan.

A Salman Rushdie

B kazoo ishguro

C Julian Barnes

D grahm swift


1 D

Stephen Dedalus 是James loyce小说的主要代言人,他出现在《尤利西斯》(Ulysses)和《青年艺术家肖像中》.

2 A

约翰。福尔斯(john fowles)是实验主义作家的杰出代表,The French lieutenants woman是他在技巧革新和观念表达方面的最成功的小说,他为当事人提供了三种不同的结局。

3 B

Doris lessing 是英国战后最杰出的女作家,The golden notebook是她的代表作。 

4 C

等待戈多是英国剧作家Samuel Beckett.所著的荒诞派戏剧作品。

5 C

Arnold Wesker 的《大麦鸡汤》(chicken soup with barley)等剧作以写实的手法表现伦敦东区中下层人们的生活,他与john obshorne等人的作品被冠以“kitchen sink realism”的称号。

6 C

Seamus Heaney won 是爱尔兰诗人,他的诗歌题材是农村的传统生活,他对田园景象的描写使人想起华兹华斯,1995年获得诺贝尔文学奖。

7 A


8 B

题中四部作品都是martin amis 的小说《时光之箭》讲述的是纳粹医生的故事,叙事手法独特,把时光之箭的走向拨过来,使得时光倒流。

9 A

salman rushdie是传奇人物,他的争议性小说satanic verses因不恰当地引用古兰经,引起穆斯林世界的广泛抗议。

10 B

石黑一雄是日本籍作家,5岁来到英国,The remains of the day盛世痕迹赢得了布莱克奖。

