
人文知识练习附讲解 22

分类: 专业四八级英语 

1. When did the third wave of migration begin in Australia?

A after the First World War

B after the Second World War

C during the Second World War

D after the Vietnam War

2. In Australia, under ____the legislation to provide equal pay for men and women doing the same work was passed.

A the Whitlam government

B the Hawker government

C the Keating government

D the Fraser government

3. The two main land masses in New Zealand are______.

A the white island and the thermal region

B the north island and the south island

C Auckland and south island

D the southern Apls and the north island

4. New Zealanders have adopted their name from the kiwi,____.

A which is an introduced flightless bird

B which was the only mammal in New Zealand

C which is a native flightless bird

D which was introduced to New Zealand 1000years ago

5. Who produced the first complete map of New Zealand in 1769?

A Able Tasman B Dutchman

C Hobson D James Cook

6. What is the other official language besides English in New Zealand?

A German

B Japanese

C French

D Maori

7. Which of the following is not one of the major exports of New Zealand?

A oil

B wool

C fish

D dairy products

8. The first settlers of New Zealand were _____.

A European navigator

B scalers and whales

C voyagers from east Polynesia

D Christian missionaries

9. The head of state of New Zealand is____.

A the prime minister

B the British monarch

C the governor general

D the president

10. General election in New Zealand has been held about ___since 1879.

A every 4 years

B every 2 years

C every 3 years

D every 5 years


1 B


2 A


3 B


4 C


5 D

1769是由第一个发现新西兰的英国人James cook画出第一张完整的新西兰地图. Able Tasman是第一个考察新西兰的人, Hobson于1840年与毛利人签订了the treaty of Waitangi,建立了新西兰,现在每年2月6日为新西兰的国庆日.

6 D


7 A


8 C

第一批来New Zealand的是来自Polynesia的毛利人.

9 B

New Zealand的国家元首为英国女王,由她任命总督为代表,总督必须是新西兰人.

10 C

1879年以来,新西兰全国大选每3年一次,新西兰只有两大党 the national party 和the labor party.

