

分类: 专业四八级英语 

One supermarket in Tokyo has managed to solve the problems of shoplifting, ___1by cashiers, and long lines of customers waiting at cash registers. It is Japan's advanced computer technology that has come ___2 with the answers.

Shoppers at an OK supermarket on the outskirts of the city now push a cart ___3 a plastic card chained to it and buy from glass cases where the goods are on display. The plastic card has magnetic number imprinted on it. Each customer carries his or her own card, which is ___4 at the entrance. While shopping, the customer pushes the card into a slot beside ___5 items are wanted and pushes a button or two. The glass covered vending machines are connected to a computer that ___6 the price of every item in the store. Prices of every purchase are added up automatically. When she has finished shopping, the customer hands her card to a cashier who ___7 it to the register. A second later the total pops out. Shoplifting is physically impossible. Once you touch a commodity the computer remembers it ___8 you hide it or even if you eat it on the spot. A cashier at the OK supermarket is now able to work 15 times faster than her ___9 at a conventional supermarket. Only two cashiers, ___10, are required at the store, which sells 2,500 separate items. One man is enough to keep the vending machines filled, because of the stock for a certain commodity is ___11 to run out, a red lamp in the computer room___12 him. But there are disadvantages too: a customer cannot change his or her mind ___13 a purchase. Once ___14, the item cannot be put back. The customer must go through a cashier with it first and get a refund later. There are also no ___15 vegetables or fish on sale-everything is prepackaged.

1. A. mistakes B. made C. done D. problems
2. A. together B. up C. along D. on
3. A. with B. without C. carrying D. under
4. A. collected B. filled C. sent D. shown
5. A. those B. what C.the number D. whichever
6. A. shouts B. raises C. knows D. puts
7. A. opens B. feeds C. reads D. connects?
8. A. except B. in spite of C. no matter how D. the way
9. A. friend B. colleague C. company D. neighbour
10. A. for instance B. still C. later D. however
11. A. not yet B. about C. at least D. ready
12. A. warns B. sees C. watches D. protects
13. A. at B. making C. throughout D. about
14. A. brought B. handling C. moving D. touched
15. A. frozen B. stale C. fresh D. cooked


1. A) 此空和shoplifting, long lines为并列结构,构成介词of的宾语,因此选项B和C可以排除;而选项D problems与of结构所修饰的problems有冲突,故只有选项A为正确答案。
2. B) 此空涉及固定搭配。come up with意为“提出,跟上”。come along with意为“随同”,意义不符。
3. A) 通过分析此空所在句可知,现在光顾一家OK超市的顾客推着一辆拴有一个塑料卡片的手推车从货架上购物,因此空白处需要一个介词引导一个复杂宾语结构来修饰名词a cart,四个选项中只有with有此功能。
4. A) 根据短文,这类超市发放的带有磁码的塑料卡片由每位顾客在购物时携带,出超市时在出口处被收集回来,因此此空应选A collected “收集,回收”,其它各选项意义不符。
5. D) 根据句义(顾客不管想买哪种商品他都需要把卡片插到这种商品旁边的插口里,然后按一下按钮。)和结构(此空需要一个联接词语作介词beside的宾语)可知选项D为正确答案。
6. C) 电脑知道所有商品的价格,故C为正确答案。
7. B) 此题涉及动词意义搭配问题,feed意为“送入,插入”。
8. C) 经过分析可推断句义为“一旦你碰了一件商品,不管你把塑料片藏到哪儿,即便是吃到肚子里,电脑也会记录下来。”,从而断定答案为C。
9. B) 此句带有比较状语从句,故空白处词应与句子主语相对应。friend和neighbour不合逻辑,只有colleague为正确答案。
10. A) 此句是一例子,故答案为A。
11. B) “be about to”意为“即将发生…”。
12. A) 根据句义应为A warns。
13. A) “change one's mind at” 为固定搭配。
14. D) 根据上文可知如果你碰了某种商品,电脑就会记录下来,从而推测此句句义为“一旦你碰了某个商品,就不能放回去了。”因此本题正确答案为D。
15. C) 根据上下文可断定为C。

