

分类: 专业四八级英语 

Test Five???

There’s to be an investigation.?
I am to have tea with Betty this afternoon.?
The Queen is to visit Japan next year.?
You are to stand here. Do you understand??
Tell her she’s not to be back late.?
If she comes, I’ll tell her all about it.?
Wait here till the meeting is over.?
It won’t be long before the rain stops.??

?begin, commence, initiate, launch, start?

在这组词中最常用,泛指开始做某事。但口语中近年来start用得较多。  ?
The band began to play joyful music.乐队开始演奏欢快的音乐。?

The officer ordered the soldiers to commence the attack.军官命令士兵开始进攻。?

The government has initiated a new reform program.政府启动了新的改革方案。?

The company will launch an advertising compaign to introduce its new product.那个公司要发起广告攻势推出自己的新产品。?

They started operations at once.他们马上开始行动。??

1. ?____? in the past, at the moment it is  a favorite
 choice for wedding gown.?
A. Unpopular has as white been   ?
B. White has been as unpopular?
C. Unpopular has been as white   ?
D. Unpopular as white has been?
2. ?____? for a long time, the fields are all dried up
A. There has been no rain ?
B. Having no rain  ?
C. There having been no rain?
D. There being no rain?
3. The millions of calculations involved, ?____? by ha
nd, would have lost all practical value by the time they were finished.?
A. had they been done   ?
B. they had been done   ?
C. having been done   ?
D. they were done?
4. Televisions enable us to see things happen almost at the exact moment 
A. which they are happening ?
B. they are happening   ?
C. which they happen   ?
D. they have happened?
5. ?____? me most was that the young boy who had lost 
both arms in an accident could handle a pen with his feet.?
A. That amazed B. It amazed?
C.  Which amazed    D. What amazed?
6. Although she wrote a lot of short stories and poems when she was very 
young, ?____? she was twenty?five.?
A. her first real success did not come until   ?
B. her real first success came until not?
C. since her first real success did not come until?
D. not until her first real success?
7.  You should know better than ?____? your little sis
ter at home by herself.?
A. to leave    B. leaving    C. to have left    D. left?
8. As the train will not leave until one hour later, we ?____?
 grab a bite at the snack bar.?
A. may well B. just as well   ?
C. might as well D. as well?
9. She resorted to ?____? when she had no money to buy
 foods for her children.?
A. have stolen   B. steal     C. stole     D. stealing?
10. The boy has admitted to ?____? the window while pl
aying football yesterday.?
A. breaking    B. having been broken   ?
C. break D. be breaking?
11. Betty advised me to label our luggage carefully in case it gets  ?____?in transit.?
A. misused     B. mishandled     C. mistaken    D. mislaid?
12. ?____? money, she is quite rich. However, this doe
s not mean that she is happy.?
A. Concerning B. As to  ?
C. In terms of D. In the light of?
13. A well?written composition ?____? good choice of 
words and clear organization among other things.?
A. calls for  B. calls on     C. calls up     D. calls off?
14. It is ?____? with the customer not to let the shop
?assistants guess what she really likes and wants until the last moment.?
A. in her honor    B. on her honor  ?
C.  a point of honor    D. an honor?
15. This house will probably come on the ?____? next m
A. fair  B. market     C. shop     D. store?
16. George was introduced to ?____? activities at a yo
ung age, when she was hire to act as a lookout for drugdealers.?
A. illegal   B. lawful  C. faithful    D. peaceful?
17. An institution that properly carries the name university is a more co
mprehensive and complex institution than any other kind of higher education?____?.?
A. settlement  B. establishment      C. costruction  D. structure
18. People’s status in society is frequently ?____? by
 how much they own.?
A. measured   B. examined    C. tested   D. questioned?
19. Jack is so ?____? to his appearance that he never 
has his clothes pressed.?
A. adverse   B. anonymous  C. indifferent     D. casual?
20. There is an increasing ?____? to make movies descr
ibing violence.?
A. strength   B. direction     C. tradition  D. trend?
21. Outside my office window there is a fire ?____? on
 the right.?
A. escape    B. ladder  C. steps  D. stairs?
22. I ?____? with the Browns during my stay in New Yor
k City.?
A. put in  B. put down     C. put on     D. put up?
23. Operations which left patients ?____? and in need 
of l
ong periods of discovery time now leave them feeling relaxed and comfortable.?
A. exhausted     B. unhealthy     C. upset     D. fearful?
24. Farmers are allowed to grow small gardens of their own and they sell 
their vegetables ?____? the black market.?
A. on    B.  at   C. in     D. for?
25. The electric fan does not work because of the ?____?
 of service.?
A. pause   B. break     C. interruption  D. breakdown?

