

分类: 专业四八级英语 

Test Fourteen???


有些名词如attempt, chance, effort, freedom, intention, reason, necessity, opportunity, time, way等,在其后用不定式或介词+?ing分词均可,意义无甚区别。例如:?

The doctor made a bold attempt to save/at saving the child’s life.?

有些名词如ability, agreement, ambition, anxiety, curiosity, mind, obligation, permission, refusal, tendency, wish等,在其后通常带不定式,而不带介词+?ing分词。


Our ability to think and speak separates us from other mammals.?

还有些名词如aptitude, experience, hope, method, possibility, difficulty, interest, plan, habit, passion, genius等,其后通常带介词+?ing分词,而不带不定式。例如:?

There is no hope of winning the game.??


strange, eccentric, odd, peculiar, queer, unique?




With so many strange faces around her, she felt a bit nervous.身边尽是陌生的面孔,她感到有点紧张。?



You’ll be considered eccentric if you go to the banquet in your tennis shoes.如果穿着网球鞋去参加宴会,别人会认为你很古怪。?



Einstein was considered an odd man by the neighbours’ kids.邻居的孩子们认为爱因斯坦是个古怪的人。?



We can identify the drug by its peculiar smell.我们可以通过其古怪的气味来辨认那种毒品。?



He had a queer expression on his face.他的面部表情古怪。?



His calligraphic style is unique.他的书法风格很独特。


1. ?____? their help, we wouldn’t have succeeded.?

A. Hadn’t been forB. Had it not been for?

C. It hadn’t been for D. Hadn’t it been for?

2. ?____? that the sweater is hand?made, the price seems reasonable.?

A. SinceB. In viewC. BecauseD. Considering?

3. I am in charge of welcoming the ?____?.?

A. visitors from outside of town?

B. out?of?town visitors?

C. visitors of out?of?town?

D. outside town visitors?

4. I really do not know whether we can succeed, so do not expect ?____?.?

A. too much of usB. us too much?

C. of us too muchD. us of too much?

5. Japan has begun to rival America ?____?.?

A. producing automobiles?

B. to manufacture automobiles ?

C. in the production of automobiles?

D. for automobiles producing?

6. He did nothing but ?____? letters home all this afternoon.?

A. to writeB. writingC. writeD. wrote?

7. ?____? left before the deadline, it does not seem likely that Jimmy will accomplish the job.?

A. With so short time?

B. Although such a short time?

C.With such a short time?

D. It is such a short time?

8. “Will Tom recover?”“Right now there is no way ?____.”?

A. of knowing B. to be known ?

C. for knowing D. to have known?

9. No sooner had we started out ?____? it began to snow.?

A.thenB.whenC. thanD. whenever?

10. ?____? the consequence, I will be on your side.?

A. However B. No matter how?

C. No matterD. Whatever?

11. When they arrived at the cross roads, they went the wrong ?____?.?

A. directionB. wayC. pathD. route?

12. I can’t stand the summer’s ?____? heat.?

A. intensiveB. heavyC. intenseD. high?

13. She takes ?____? interest in the economic reform in China.?

A. considerableB. conventional?

C. considerateD. conservative?

14. When our university library bought this microscope we were given a one year’s ?____?.?

A. proofB. reservationC. securityD. guarantee?

15. The football player had studied economics in the university for ?a(n)??____? of roughly six years.?

A. decadeB. timeC. ageD. period?

16. A dictionary of the English language, ?____? by Dr. Samuel Johnson, was the first real attempt as a systematic written survey of English usage.?

A. compiledB. composed?

C. concocted D. collected?

17. The volunteer firefighters valiantly tried to put out the ?____?forest fire.?

A. ragingB. ripplingC. rollingD. roaring?

18. Education is ?____? for all school?age children in many a country.?

A. universalB. compulsoryC. requestedD. general?

19. The policeman’s ?____? mind caught the suspect’s lies.?

A. aliveB. alertC. experiencedD. imaginable?

20. Over years, a balance is ?____? among the plants and animals in a community and it remains basically stable.

A. worked out B. worked off?

C. worked overD. worked up?

21. The global influence of English can be measured by the opposition of its old ?____?, French.?

A. rivalB. mouldC. objectiveD. plot?

22. That night’s ?____? with Grace was as tough a battle as I’ve ever fought with an animal.?

A. experienceB. encounterC. fatigueD. attack?

23. I don’t think I have become more political, but if I see injustice and ?____?, I feel I have to do something.?

A. hostilityB. hostageC. inhumanityD. indignation?

24. Dr. Foxsaid that wolves he has have been even more ?____?and more sensitive to human feelings than most dogs have.?

A. expressiveB. extensive ?

C. impressiveD. intensive?

25. The present universal fear has been the result of a forward surgeinour knowledge and ?____? of certain dangerous factors in the physical world.?

A. perceptionB. supplement?

C. synthesisD.manipulation?


1. B)【句意】要不是他们帮助,我们不会成功。?


2. D)【句意】考虑到这件毛衣是手工织的,价格还算合理。?


3. B)【句意】我负责接待城外的来客。?

【难点】out?of?town 是合成形容词。?

4. A)【句意】我真不知道我们会不会成功,所以不要对我们期望太高。?

【难点】expect…of …表示“对…期望”。?

5. C)【句意】在汽车生产方面日本已经成为美国的竞争对手。?


6. C)【句意】整个今天下午他在家除了写几封信,别的什么也没做。?

【难点】do nothing but 后加动词原形。?

7. C)【句意】在最后期限到来之前,时间所剩无几,吉米似乎不可能完成这项工作。?


8. A)【句意】“汤姆会恢复健康吗?”“眼下还无从知道。”?

【难点】there is no way of knowing意为还无法知道。?

9. C)【句意】我们刚一出发天就开始下雪。?

【难点】no sooner …than为固定句型,意为“一…就”。?

10. D)【句意】不论后果如何,我都将站到你这边。?


11. A)【句意】到十字路口时,他们走错了方向。?

【难点】direction 意为“方向”,go the wrong direction是习语,意为“走错方向”。way意为“方式,方法”;path意为“小路;小道”;route意为“路线,航线”。?

12. C)【句意】我无法忍受夏日的酷热。?

【难点】intense意为“强烈的”,intense heat 为固定搭配,意为“酷热”。intensive意为“集中的,彻底的”;heavy 意为“强烈的;猛烈的”,但不能修饰heat;high 意为“(速度,温度,程度等)激烈的”。?

13. A)【句意】她对中国的经济改革怀有极大的兴趣。?


14. D)【句意】我们大学的图书馆买这台显微镜的时候,得到一年保修的承诺。?

【难点】guarantee 意为“保证;保单”;proof意为“证据;证物”;reservation意为“预订,预订的房间或座席”;security 意为“保证;保障;担保”。?

15. D)【句意】这位足球运动员曾在大学学习了大约六年经济学。?

【难点】period 意为“(一段)时间,时期,阶段;时代”; decade意为“十年,十年期”;time意为“(一部分)时间,(一段)时间”;age 意为“时代,年代”。?

16. A)【句意】塞缪尔•约翰逊编的《英语字典》是对英语用法进行系统书面研究的第一次真正尝试。?


17. A)【句意】消防志愿者们勇敢地努力去扑灭熊熊燃烧的森林大火。?


18. B)【句意】在许多国家,教育对所有学龄儿童来说是义务性的。?


19. B)【句意】警察头脑机警,揭穿了嫌疑犯的谎言。?


20. D)【句意】生物群落中的植物和动物从长时间角度看能保持平衡,这种平衡会基本上保持稳定。?

【难点】work out意为“解决,计算出”;work off 意为“慢慢除去”;work over意为“彻底检查,充分研究”;work up 意为“渐渐发展成,逐渐达到”。?

21. A)【句意】英语在全球的影响可从它的老对手法语的抵抗窥见一斑。?


22. B)【句意】那晚和格雷丝的遭遇就像我以前同动物的打斗一样艰难。?

【难点】encounter意为“邂逅;遭遇”,后接with; experience意为“经历,经验”;fatigue意为“疲劳”;attack意为“攻击;责难”。?

23. C)【句意】我认为我并没有变得更有政治倾向,但是,如果我看见不公正和野蛮的事情,我感觉我必须做点什么。?


24. A)【句意】福克斯博士说,他养的狼要比多数狗对人更富于情感,更敏感。?


25. D)【句意】现在普遍存在的恐惧一直是我们大量地了解并控制了客观世界里某些危险因素的结果。?


