

分类: 专业四八级英语 

Test Sixteen???



But for their help ,we wouldn’t have succeeded.?

His progress wouldn’t have been made without arduous work.?


I was too busy yesterday. Otherwise I would have been here to see you.?


Anyone in his position would have done the same.??


purpose, aim, goal, end?










例如:He went to new York City for the mere purpose of seeing 42nd avenue.他去纽约只是为了看看四十二大道。?

Her aim is to marry a westerner and live abroad.她的目标是嫁给西方人,住到国外。?

We have been fighting for one common goal.我们一直为了一个共同的目标奋斗。?

He never achieved his end.他从未达到目的。


1. Revolution means ?____? the productive forces.?

A. to liberateB. liberatedC. liberateD. liberating?

2. Variables such as individual and corporate behaviour ?____?nearly impossible for economists to forecast economic trend with precision.?

A. makeB. make itC. makingD. makes it?

3. Home is home, ?____? ever so homely.?

A. it isB. it wereC. be itD. it be?

4. Mary is ?____? than Alice.?

A. more experienceda teacher ?

B. a more experienced teacher?

C. more an experienced teacher ?

D.more experienced teacher?

5. Arriving at the bus stop, ?____? waiting there.?

A. a lot of people were ?

B. he found a lot of people?

C. a lot of people?

D. people were found?

6. She has taken great pains to conceal her emotions, and thereby made them ?____? conspicuous.?

A. all the moreB. all the much ?

C. all moreD. all much?

7. He didn’t go to the party, but he does wish he ?____?there.?

A. would beB. has been?

C. would have beenD. had been?

8. It was recommended that passengers ?____? smoke during the flight.?

A. notB. need not?

C. could notD. would not?

9. Only take such clothes ?____? really necessary.?

A. as wereB. as they are?

C. as they wereD. as are?

10. They lost their way in the forest, and ?____? made matter worse was that night began to fall.?

A. thatB. whatC. itD. which?

11. Bargaining can go on the whole day, or even several days, with the customer coming and going ?____?.?

A. in placesB. at intervalsC. in personD. at large?

12. Human behaviour is mostly a product of learning, ?____?the behavior of an animal depends mainly on instinct.

A. otherwiseB. whereas?

C. unlessD. nevertheless?

13. She ?____? a little map for me on the back of my invitation.?

A.plannedB. slippedC. sketchedD. worked?

14. If someone is a witness, then he has to ?____? in court.?

A. augmentB. testifyC. certifyD. betray?

15. Richard’s news report covering the conference was so ?____?that nothing had been omitted.?

A.comprehensiveB. integrated?

C. redundantD. productive?

16. Teachers like students to be ?____? and listens to what they are saying.?

A. cordialB. watchfulC. cumulativeD. attentive?

17. The captain of the ship ?____? the passengers that there was no danger.?

A. assumedB. insuredC. assuredD. ensured?

18. The educational ?____? of computers has not been fully realized.?

A. versionB. valueC. qualityD. goal?

19. Is it possible to make an early ?____? to have my hair cut tomorrow??

A. enrollmentB. engagement ?

C. appointment D. arrangement?

20. After I heard that I took a deferred pass in chemistry, I was in a ?____? emotional state.?

A.greatlyB. highlyC.doubtfullyD. nervously?

21. Since I could not see anything through the microscope, ?____?my careful adjustment, I gave up.?

A. for allB. above allC. after allD. in all?

22. When the Victorians had family reunions, the hosts ?____?their way to entertain the guests.?

A. went in forB. went over ?

C. went out ofD. went back on?

23. The washing machine factory guaranteed that all ?____?parts would be replaced without charge.?

A. disappearingB. unusedC. defectiveD. miss?

24. It was reported that the ?____? concerning the accident would be handled by the chief of police.?

A. recordingB. gossipC. explorationD. inquiry?

25. While they were away on vacation, they allowed their mail to ?____? at the post office.?

A. pile upB. set upC. turn upD. mix up


1. D)【句意】革命意味着解放生产力。?


2. B)【句意】个人和集体行为的变化使得经济学家几乎不可能精确地预测经济发展趋势。?


3. C)【句意】家就是家,尽管它很简朴。?

【难点】be it ever so homely 表示“尽管家很简朴”,是be ever so homely as it may 的省略。?

4. B)【句意】玛丽是个比艾丽丝更有经验的教师。?


5. B)【句意】当他到达公共汽车站时,他发现有许多人等候在那里。?


6. A)【句意】她费了好大劲儿去掩盖自己的感情,结果欲盖弥彰。?

【难点】all the more为成语,意为“反而更加”。?

7. D)【句意】他没有去参加晚会,但他但愿去了。?


8. A)【句意】建议乘客们在飞行期间不要吸烟。?


9. D)【句意】只带必要的衣物。?


10. B)【句意】他们在林中迷了路,更糟糕的是夜幕开始降临。?


11. B)【句意】讨价还价可以进行一整天,甚至好几天,顾客不停地出出进进。?

【难点】at intervals 意为“不时;到处;每隔…时间(距离)”。

12. B)【句意】人类的行为大多是学习的产物,而动物的行为则主要依靠本能。?

【难点】whereas 意为“然而,却”,引导对立的从句;otherwise意为“否则”;unless意为“除非”;nevertheless 意为“然而”,不引导从句。?

13. C)【句意】她在我请柬的背面为我画了一张小地图。?


14. B)【句意】如果某人是证人,那么他必须出庭作证。?


15. A)【句意】理查德那份会议新闻报道一应俱全,无一遗漏。?


综合的”;redundant意为“冗长的,罗嗦的”;productive 意为“多产的,富饶的”。?

16. D)【句意】教师都想要他们的学生注意听讲。?

【难点】attentive 意为“注意的,专心的”;cordial意为“热情友好的,热诚的”;watchful意为“警惕的;戒备的”;cumulative意为“累积的,渐增的”。?

17. C)【句意】该船长向乘客们保证没有危险。?


18. B)【句意】计算机教育的价值还没有完全实现。?


19. C)【句意】我可以把明天理发的约定提早点吗??


20. B)【句意】当我听说我的化学得了个延期及格时,我很不高兴。?


21. A)【句意】尽管我做了认真调整,透过这台显微镜我还是什么也看不见,后来我就放弃了。?

【难点】for all意为“虽然,尽管”,是介词,后接名词,起让步状语从句的作用; aboveall意为“首先,尤其是”,作插入语;after all 意为“毕竟,终究”,副词作用,作状语;in all 意为“全部,合计”。?

22. C)【句意】维多利亚人搞家庭聚会时,主人们不厌其烦地招待客人。?

【难点】go out of one’s way 意为“特地;不怕麻烦地”;go in for 意为“从事(某种职业或活动)”;go over意为“重复;温习”;go back on 意为“背叛;出卖”。?



24. D)【句意】据报道,有关事故的调查由警察局长负责。?


25. A)【句意】他们外出度假的时候,允许邮件堆在邮局。?

【难点】pile up 意为“堆积起来;积累”;set up 意为“竖立,架起”;turnup 意为“把…开大;调高”;mix up 意为“搅匀,拌和;使混淆”。?

