

分类: 专业四八级英语 

1. During the summer holiday season there are no _____ rooms in this seaside hotel.
A. empty
B. blank
C. deserted
D. vacant

2. Drive straight ahead, and then you will see a _____ to the Shanghai-Nanjing Expressway.
A. sign
B. mark
C. signal
D. board

3 . Whenever possible, Ian _____ how well he speaks Japanese.
A. shows up
B. shows around
C. shows off
D. shows out

4. The tenant left nothing behind except some _____ of paper, cloth, etc.
A. sheets
B. scraps
C. pages
D. slices

5 Shares on the stock market have _____ as a result of a worldwide economic downturn.
A. turned
B. changed
C. floated
D. fluctuated

6. I think you can take a(n) _____ language course to improve your English.
A. intermediate
B. middle
C. medium
D. mid


辨析:empty --- having nothing inside
blank --- devoid of writing, images, or marks:
deserted --- being left without help or support
vacant --- not occupied or used by anyone: a vacant room
If a container, bottle, or glass has nothing inside it, we say it is empty. For example: The box was empty --- all the money was gone.
If a room, building, town, or place has nothing or no one in it, we often use such words as empty, free, bare, deserted, uninhabited. For example: I think there’s a free table in the corner. / The little church was bare and cold. / We ran along the deserted beach. / The castle is now uninhabited.
If a screen, tape, or piece of paper has nothing written or recorded on it, we say it is blank: I want to record the film. Do we have any blank video cassettes? / Tom started at the blank sheet of paper in front of him.

辨析:sign --- something with words or shapes on it, which is put in a public place to show the name of a building, town, etc. or to give a warning or information: / something that suggests the presence or existence of a fact, condition, or quality: Didn’t you see the speed limit signs? / The sign said “No smoking”.
mark --- an inscription, name, stamp, label, or seal placed on an article to signify ownership, quality, manufacture, or origin
signal --- an indicator, such as a gesture or colored light, that serves as a means of communication
board --- a long, flat slab of sawed lumber; a plank
Simply to say, the usual collocation is “traffic sign / road sign”

辨析:show up --- expose or reveal the true character or nature of: The master tried not to show the boy up as a thief.
show around --- conduct with direction: The guards showed the visitors around.
show off --- display in order to attract notice: She loves showing off.
show out --- take leave of a person: After the interview, the secretary showed the applicant out of the Board room.

辨析:sheet --- a flat thin piece of glass, paper etc.:
sheet of glass / paper / steel / metal / The roof is made of sheets of corrugated iron.
scrap --- a small (usually unwanted) piece : He made some pretty bags out of scraps of curtain material.
page --- one side of a leaf, as of a book, letter, newspaper, or manuscript, especially the entire leaf: tore a page from the book
slice --- a thin flat piece of food that you cut from a larger piece: Have a slice of bread and butter.

辨析:turn --- get by buying and selling:
change --- give or receive the equivalent of (money) in lower denominations or in foreign currency.
float --- find a level in relationship to other currencies solely in response to the law of supply and demand: allowed the dollar to float.
fluctuate -- cause to rise and fall or vary irregularly: fluctuating prices / Prices fluctuate from year to year.

辨析: intermediate --- lying or occurring between two extremes or in a middle position or state
middle --- central:
medium --- middle quality or degree: stick to a happy medium (avoid extremes)
mid --- middle: from mid March to mid April
在语言习得理论中有一个术语叫 “intermediate language”,翻译成汉语是“中介语”。

