

分类: 专业四八级英语 
         Chapter One (一般掌握)

Chapter Two English Literature of the Late Medieval Ages


(   ) 1. Apart from original poems, Chaucer translated various works of French authors, among them is the famous __________________

A. The Canterbury Tales

B. The Romance of the Rose

C. The Parliament of Fowls

D. The House of Fame

(   ) 2. Generally speaking, Chaucer's works fall into three main groups corresponding roughly to the three periods of his adult life, which period is wrong?

A. The period of French influence

B. The period of Italian influence

C. The period of his maturity

D. The period of American influence

(   )  3. Which of the following information about Chaucer is wrong?

A. He died on the 25th of October 1400, he was the first to be buried in the writer's corner of Westminster Abby

B. He was considered as “father of English Poetry”

C. He was one of the narrative poets of England

D. His masterpiece is The Canterbury Tales

(   )  4. Of the following, the one which employs the form of romance is____.

A. Amoretti      B. Venus and Adonis

C. The Tempest   D. Sir Gawain and Green Knight

(   )  5. The characters in the Canterbury Tales can be divided into the following groups except_____.

A. rural dwellers   B. church members   C. tradesman   D. nobles

(   )  6. Piers the Plowman is similar in form to the work written by

A. Chaucer   B. Shakespeare   C. Marlowe   D. Bunyan

Chapter Three English Literature in the Renaissance


(   )  1. English Renaissance Period was an age of ______________

A. prose and novel

B. poetry and drama

C. essays and journals

D. ballads and songs

(   )  2. “Romeo, Romeo, Wherefore art thou Romeo?” is one of the most famous lines from Romeo and Juliet. Which of the following comments on the line is NOT true?

A. Juliet speaks the line in the balcony scene.

B. She is unaware of Romeo's presence.

C. She asks him to deny his family for her love.

D. A major theme in Romeo and Juliet is the tension between social and family identity and one's inner identity (represented by one's name).

(   )  3. The Elizabethan literature____________

A. had a marked unity and the feeling of patriotism and devotion to the queen.

B. witnessed a decline of degeneration

C. expressed age and sadness, even the brightest hours were followed by gloom and pessimism.

D. was not romantic.

(   )  4. One of the following plays takes its subject matter from Chinese history

A. Henry IV   B. Macbeth   C. Tamburlaine   D. Alchemist

(   )  5. Dr Faustus sells his soul to the devil because he_________.

A. is faced by Mephistopheles

B. wants to gain more money

C. wants to live an extravagant life

D.     wants to know more about the world

(   )  6. Shakespeare is a poet , playwright and ______.

A. critic   B. novelist   C. an actor   D. both b and c

(   )  7. Of the following, the one which employs the form of romance is____.

A. Amoretti      B. Venus and Adonis

C. The Tempest   D. Sir Gawain and Green Knight

(   )  8. The difference of Surrey's contribution to English poetry from that of Wyatt lies in that Surrey________.

A. wrote the first English sonnet

B. introduce the couplet into England

C. wrote the first English blank verse

D. made the sonnet popular

(   )  9. The one who first made blank verse the principal instrument of English drama is

A. Surrey   B. Marlowe   C. Shakespeare   D. Jonson

(   )  10. The recurrent theme of Marlowe' s play is the praise of ____.

A. capitalism   B. feudalism   C. individualism   D. nationalism


1. Rough winds do shake the _______________of May,

And _____________has all too short a date.

2. Sometimes too hot the ______________shines, and often is his __________dimmed.

3. Shakespeare produced __________plays and ____________sonnet.

4. ___________is praised by Marx as “the progenitor of English Materialism”.


Analyze Shakespeare's four periods of career concisely.

