
六级模拟试卷 ---- 阅读6

分类: 大学四六级英语  时间: 2023-12-06 13:59:15 
Passage Two Questions 26 to 30 are based on the following passage.
Would George W. Bush have been reelected president if the public understood how much responsibility his administration bears for allowing the 9/11 attacks to succeed?
The answer is unknowable and, at this date, meaningless. Yet it was appalling to learn that the White House suppressed until after the election a report that exposes the administration as woefully incompetent if not criminally negligent. Belatedly declassified excerpts from the 9/11 commission report, which focus on the failure of the Federal Aviation Administration to heed multiple warnings that Al Qaeda (基地组织) terrorists were planning to hijack planes as suicide weapons, make clear that this tragedy could have been avoided.
For the last three years, administration apologists have tried to make the FAA the scapegoat for the 9/11 attacks. But it is the president who ultimately is responsible for national security.
The terrible fact is that the administration took none of the steps that would have put the protection of human life ahead of a diverse set of economic and political interests, which included not offending our friends the Saudis and not hurting the share prices of airline corporations.
The warnings provided by intelligence agencies to the FAA were far clearer and more specific than suggested by Condoleezza Rice’s testimony before the 9/11 commission when she reluctantly conceded the existence of a  that warned of impending Al Qaeda attacks. 
Given this shocking record of indifference on the part of the administration, it is politically understandable that it tried to prevent the formation of the 9/11 commission in the first place, and then for five months prevented the declassification of key sections of the final report.
Had the business-friendly administration put safety first, nearly 3,000 people might not have died that day. And had the president of the United States taken some time from his ranch vacation that August to order a nationwide airport alert, two bloody wars abroad probably would not have happened.
Instead, an administration that resisted spending the tens of millions required to fortify airline security before 9/11 is nearing the $300-billion  and Iraq. And declassified documents have unmistakably said the latter had nothing to do with 9/11, while those countries that at least indirectly did have been let off the hook.
Indeed, the 9/11 commission was not allowed to get near that story: The basic narrative on the tragedy derives from the interrogations of key detainees whom the 9/11 commissioners were not allowed to interview. Nor were they permitted to even take testimony from the U.S. intelligence personnel who interrogated those prisoners.
As a result, the public is simply incapable of making informed decisions on the most crucial decisions we face-starting with whom we elect as our commander in chief.
26. According to the author, who should shoulder the major responsibility for allowing the 9/11 tragedy to happen?
A) Saddam Hussein. B) FAA.
C) George W. Bush. D) Condoleezza Rice.
27. What does the word “declassify” (Line 3, Para. 2) most probably mean?
A) To hide the important details of B) To report or represent in a untrue way
C) To form a large group D) To become no longer secret
28. What do we learn from the passage about Afghanistan and Iraq?
A) Al Qaeda terriorists had gained support from at least one of the governments.
B) 9/11 was the chief reason for the Bush government to initiate both wars.
C) The two wars had already cost the Americans tens of millions of dollars.
D) These two countries should be held responsible for 9/11.
29. What can we infer from the passage?
A) The Federal Aviation Administration was not to blame in this tragedy.
B) Consideration of economic interests had hindered life protection.
C) The Bush government had paid such a high price for poor information collection.
D) Some government officials had been bribed by Al Qaeda terrorists.
30. What is the author’s opinion towards President Bush?
A) He had been intentionally misleading as to the reasons of initiating the two wars.
B) He had been late in preventing the attacks because of a personal vocation.
C) He had done everything to help the 9/11 commission do a better job.
D) He will have probably failed to be reelected if the public had been well informed.
26. C)细节理解题该题问谁该对9·11事件负主要责任。文章第三段第二句是一个转折句,对这一点说得很清楚,C)是正确答案。
27. D)词义理解题此题是词义题。该词在文章第二段与第八段两次出现,其名词形式又在第六段出现。根据文章可推测出来是“解密”的意思,选D)。
28. B)推理题此题问关于阿富汗与伊拉克,我们知道些什么。A)说基地组织的恐怖分子得到了至少一个政府的支持,这一点文章中间无法推导出来,大家看看第八段即可知道。B)说9·11事件是布什政府发动战争的主要原因,该选项正确,从第八段可以看出来。C)说战争使美国耗费了数以千万计的美元,实际上这远少于文中第八段的实际数字。D)说这两个国家应对9·11事件负责,实际上该点本文中并无定论,特别是对于伊拉克,文中说其与9·11没有关联(文章第八段)。
29. B)推理题此题问从文章中推导出什么。A)“联邦航空局是没有责任的”,这与第二段后面的部分不符。B)“考虑经济利益阻碍了生命的保护”,该选项是正确答案,可以在第四段和第七段看得很清楚。C)说布什政府为信息搜集的付出了高昂的代价。第二段和第五段均可看出,警告已经发出,只是没有得到重视。D) “一些政府官员受到基地组织的贿赂”,这一点文章中无法推导出来。
30. D)推理题此题问作者对布什总统的看法。A)“他对于发动战争的原因是有意误导的”,这一项文章中无法推导出来。B)说他由于度假,没能阻止袭击。这是不对的,文章没有这样说,请看第七段。C)说他全力以赴帮助9·11委员会开展工作,实际上委员会处处受到阻挠,请大家看第六段与第九段。D)说如果大众得到恰当的消息的话,他就很可能不会再次当选总统,这个选项正确的,也是首尾两段的核心意思。

