
六级模拟试卷 ---- 词汇14

分类: 大学四六级英语  时间: 2023-12-06 13:59:04 

56.Although thrift all his life, the man left the____ fortune to his son.
A) huge B) immenseC) magnificent D) rich

57.The old building is in a good state of ____ except for the wooden floors.
A) observation B) preservationC) conservation D) compensation

58.The council was asked to ____ the engineer’s estimates for the coming year.
A) answer B) approveC) confirm D) converge

59.Is that a(n)____Roman statue, or a modern copy
A) authentic B) trueC) legitimate D) authorized

60.Babies begin to be ____ sounds three months after they are born.
A) responsible for B) retort toC) responsive to D) reply

61.The world’s governments have done____ nothing to combat the threat of nuclear accidents.
A) inherently B) vitallyC) virtually D) identically

62.We were warned that even a slight ____ in calculation might ruin the whole project.
A) mistake B) faultC) flaw D) error

63.The patient is in a critical state. He doesn’t ____pulling through this time.
A) bear B) have timeC) stand any chance of D) desire

64.It is too noisy in the room, we had to use ____ to get those trouble makers out of the place.
A) force B) powerC) vigor D) strength

65.Parents often faced the ____ between doing what they felt was good for the development of the child and what they could stand by way of undisciplined noise and destructiveness.
A) junction B) premiseC) paradox D) dilemma

66.I have got an exam tomorrow, so for ____ reasons I won’t go out tonight.
A) direct B) plainC) unknown D) obscure

67.The driver responsible for the accident was ____ punished.
A) seriously B) totallyC) severely D) clearly

68.My parents died young, but I have done well in this repect ____ my other ancestors.
A) to B) forC) as regards D) with

69.The man was sitting on the floor shivering with ____; a bullet had been fired through the window.
A) severity B) fearC) terror D) excitement

70.The person who ____ this type of research deserves our praise.
A) originated B) manufacturedC) generated D) estimated

【译文】虽然一生节俭,他留了一大笔遗产给他的儿子 。
【详细解答】huge指一般的巨大;immense指空间上的巨大;magnificent指宏伟壮观;rich 指资源,富有。
【详细解答】observation 表示观测;preservation表示保存如遗迹的保存;conservation指保护如环境保护;compensation指赔偿。
【详细解答】authentic 表示是真的不是伪劣的;true表示真实的;legitimate表示合法的;authorized表示经过授权的。
【详细解答】responsible for 表示对…负责;retort to 表示常去,求助于;responsive to 表示对…有反应;reply表示回复。#p#分页标题#e#
【详细解答】inherently 内在的;vitally生机勃勃的;virtually实际上;identically 一致的。
【详细解答】mistake 指一般错误;fault 指人犯的过错,过失;flaw指人和物的缺点,瑕疵;error指科学计算和工程上的小过失。
【详细解答】stand a chance of 固定搭配,表示有…的机会.A)忍受B)有时间且后跟doing sth.; D)渴望均与原句意不符。
【详细解答】junction 表示连接;premise表示假设;paradox表示自相矛盾;dilemma表示窘境困境。
【详细解答】direct直接;unknown 不知道;obscure表示费解晦涩的,plain表示直白的,只有plain reason比较恰当。
【详细解答】seriously 表示态度严肃的;totally 表示彻底完全的;severely表示程度严厉的;clearly表示清晰的。
【详细解答】in this repect表示在…方面;A),B),D)仅在respect表示尊敬意思的时候才搭配使用。本题所考的内容与respect无太大关系。
【详细解答】severity 表示严重性;fear表示恐慌;terror表示恐怖;相比起来fear多用于修饰人的情绪;excitement表示激动,与原文不符。

