

分类: FECT金融英语 
comet seeker 寻彗镜

Comet 康麦特牌照相机

comfort & beauty feminine napkin 舒而美妇女卫生巾

Comfort Fibre 舒适纤维

comforter anchor 被扣

comforter batt stitched in cheesecloth cover 罩纱布被胎

comforter batt 被胎

comforter cover in embroidery 绣花被套

comforter cover in rayon satin 人造丝缎被套

comforter cover in sateen 绸缎被套

comforter cover 被套

comforter surface cover in printed cotton 印花棉布被面

comforter surface cover 被面

comforter 羊毛围巾

Comiso 科米索粘胶丝束

Comite 克螨特

command data processor 命令数据处理机

command generator 指令发生器

command input coupler 指令输入耦合器

command radio telephone 指令无线电话机

command receiver of remote control 遥控指令接收器

command receiver 指令接收机

command register 指令寄存器

command switch 指令开关

command transmitter 指令发射机

commelina communis 鸭跖草

commentator's monitor 广播员用监视器

commercial balance 商业用秤

commercial benzene 工业苯

commercial bronze 工业青铜

commercial computer 商用计算机

commercial condensing unit 商业用压缩冷凝机组

commercial data recorder 大量生产数据自动记录器

commercial fibre 商品纤维

commercial helicopter 商用直升机

commercial jetliner 商用喷气飞机

commercial lead 工业铅

commercial magnesium 工业镁

commercial nickel 工业镍

commercial receiver 商用接收机

commercial refrigerator 商用冷藏柜

commercial refueler 商用加油车

commercial steel 型钢

commercial tin 工业锡

commercial tissue 商业用薄纸

commercial titanium 工业钛

commercial twine 包装棉线

commercial U-tube manometer 工业U形管压力计

commercial wax 商品蜡

commercial zinc 工业锌

commercially pure aluminium 工业纯铝

commingler 混合器

commingling paper machine 混合型造纸机

comminutor 造粒机

commode table 柜式台

commode 五斗橱

Commodore 海军准将牌汽车

Commodoro 科莫多罗牌汽车

common and braid wool 粗羊毛

common antenna 公用天线

common battery private branch exchange 共电式电话交换机

common battery switchboard 共电式交换机

common battery telephone exchange 共电式电话交换机

common battery telephone 共电式电话机

common battery 共电式电池

common bean 菜豆

common bit 带尖钻

common carp 鲤鱼

common cattail 宽叶香蒲

common cockscomb 鸡冠花

common coltsfoot flower 款冬花

common cowpea 豇豆

common dayflower 鸭跖草

common ducksmeat 紫萍

common duckweed 浮萍

common eel 鳝鱼

common emitter amplifer 共发射极放大器

common fennel 小茴香

common fig 无花果

common fire tongs 普通火钳

common flax seed 亚麻子

common foolscap paper 低级书写纸

common gingham 普通条格布

common head cabbage 结球甘蓝

common impression cylinder press 共用压印滚筒型印刷机

common integrated processor 公共综合处理器

common iron wire 普通铁丝

common iron 普通钢材

common jasminorange 九里香

common knotgrass 扁蓄草

common lathe 普通车床

common memory 共用存储器

common mussel 紫贻贝

common myrrh tree 没药

common nail 普通铁钉

common nautical instrument 普通航海仪器

common nepenthes 猪笼草

common nightblooming cereus 剑花

common niobium oxide 普通氧化铌

common orange 甜橙

common origanum 牛至

common pile driver 人工打桩机

common plastic cement floor 普通型塑胶地板

common pomfret 鲳鱼

common reed rhizome 芦根

common round iron wire nail 普通元钉

common rue 芸香

common rush 灯心花

common salt 食盐

common silk and cotton mixed fabric 茧布

common smoketree 黄栌

common St. Paulswort 浠莶草

common steel 普通钢

common tantalum oxide 普通氧化钽

common tyre and engineering tyre production technology 普通和工程轮胎生产技术

common velvet 普通天鹅绒

common walnut 胡桃

common-base amplifier 共基极放大器

