

分类: FECT金融英语 
art and craft goods 工艺品

art and craft shoes 工艺鞋

art bag 工艺包

art board 铜版纸板

art book cover paper 美术书皮纸

art bulb 美术灯泡

art canvas 刺绣地布

art carpet 美术地毯

art casting 艺术铸件

art ceramics 美术陶瓷

art chafing dish 工艺火锅

art corner 美术相角

art cover paper 美术装饰纸

art felt 美术呢

art fibreglass panel 艺术玻璃纤维板

art flower 人造花

art linen 装饰亚麻平布

art material 美术用品

art muslin 装饰薄纱

art needle-work 工艺刺绣品

art paper 美术纸

art parchment 仿羊皮美术纸

art piqué 变化凸棱织物

art post paperboard 白卡纸

art poster board 美术广告纸板

art poster paper 美术广告纸

art pottery and porcelain 美术陶瓷

art printing coated paper 铜版纸

art printing paper 粉纸

art serge 装饰用精纺哔叽

art shoes 工艺鞋

art silk 刺绣丝线

art square 工艺美术地毯

art ticking 印花床垫

art vase 艺术花瓶

art vellum 美术充皮纸

Art 阿尔特牌照相机

art-drawing paper 图画纸

art-work tape 原图信息带

arteannuin 青蒿素

artefact  人工制品

Artemisia apiacea 青蒿

Artemisia argyi 艾叶

Artemisia capillaris 茵陈蒿

artemisia stelleriana 白蒿

arteriesgraph 动脉记录器

arterio-angiography apparatus 动脉血管造影设备

arteriograph 动脉搏记录器

arteriosonde 超声波血压计

artery clamp 止血钳

artery hemostatic instrument 动脉止血器

artery syringe 动脉注射器

arthroscope 关节镜

articles for hair cut 理发用具

articular orthotast 关节矫形器

articulated connecting rod 活节式连杆

articulated dump truck 绞接式倾卸汽车

articulated loader 铰接式装载机

articulated lorry 铰接式货车

articulated roof beam 铰接顶梁

articulated six-wheeler 铰接式六轮车

articulated tanker 铰接式油罐车

articulated trailer 铰接式挂车

articulated truck 铰接式卡车

articulated vehicle 铰接式车辆

articulated vibratory roller 铰接振动压路机

articulated wheel type dozer 铰接轮式推土机

articulated yoke 活动连接轭

articulating paper 牙科用纸

articulator 铰接车

artificial abrasive 人造磨料

artificial antenna 仿真天线

artificial arm 假臂

artificial beard 假胡须

artificial blood vessel 人造血管

artificial brain 仿真脑

artificial breast 人造乳房

artificial bristle 人造鬃丝

artificial brow 假眉毛

artificial butter 人造奶油

artificial cable 仿真电缆

artificial cardiac pacemaker 人工心脏起搏器

artificial cardiac valve 人工心脏瓣膜

artificial carnallite 人造光卤石

artificial catgut 人造肠线

artificial coffee 人造咖啡

artificial corundum 人造刚玉

artificial cotton 人造棉

artificial cryolite 人造冰晶石

artificial crystal 人造水晶

artificial diamond 人造金刚石

artificial dielectric 人造电介质

artificial dryer 人工干燥器

artificial dyestuff 人造染料

artificial ear 人造耳

artificial earth satellite 人造地球卫星

artificial eye 仿真眼

artificial fat 人造油脂

artificial fertilizer 人造肥料

artificial fibre 人造纤维

artificial flower of thin silk 人造绒绢花

artificial flower product 人造花卉制品

artificial flower 人造花

artificial fruit 人造水果

artificial fuel 人造燃料

artificial fur 人造裘皮

artificial garland 人造花环

artificial gem 人造宝石

artificial graphite anode 人造石墨阳极

artificial graphite electrode 人造石墨电极

artificial graphite scrap 人造石墨碎块

artificial graphite 人造石墨

artificial gum 人造胶

artificial heart valve 人造心脏瓣膜

artificial heart 人造心脏

artificial heart-lung apparatus 人造心肺装置

artificial heart-lung machine 人工心肺机

artificial honey 人造蜂密

artificial horsehair 人造马鬃

artificial intelligence computer 人工智能计算机

artificial jaw 人造颌

artificial jewel 人造宝石

