

分类: FECT金融英语 


redemption date 赎回日期

redemption fee 赎回费用

redemption fund 赎回基金

redemption money 赎回金额;赎回款项

redemption of Tax Reserve Certificate 赎回储税券

redemption of unit 赎回单位

redemption on maturity 到期赎回

redemption price 赎回价格

rediscounted bill 再贴现票据

redomiciling 迁册

redomiciling scheme 迁册计划

reduced share 拆细股份

reducing balance 递减余额

reducing value 递减价值

reduction 减少;削减

reduction of full amount of duty 减低整笔税款

redundancy payment 裁员支出;裁员赔偿

re-establishment period 筹备复业期

re-export 转口

reference date 估价根据日期〔评估差饷〕

refinancing 重新筹集资金

refinancing package 再行贷款计划;重新集资计划

reflationary policy 复苏政策;刺激景气政策

refund 退款;退还税款

Refund Notice 退还税款通知书

refund of brokerage 退还经纪佣金

refund of rates 退还差饷

refunding of estate duty 退还遗产税

Refurbishment Allowance for Hotels 酒店翻新免税额

register 登记册;记录册

register of assignment of book debt 账面债项转让登记册

register of businesses 商业登记册

register of certificates to bearer 不记名证明书登记册

register of charges 押记登记册

register of corporations 法团登记册

register of debenture holders 债权证持有人登记册

Register of Disqualification Orders 取消资格令登记册

register of holders of registered units 已登记单位的持有人登记册

register of interests in shares 股份权益登记册

register of professional accountants 专业会计师注册记录册

register of shareholders 股东名册

registered certificate 登记证明书

registered charge 已登记押记

registered company 注册公司

