

分类: FECT金融英语 

英文: Shenzhen shares close sharply higher on market-boosting package
A- and B-share prices closed sharply higher in heavy trade in response to further indications that the government is launching a major program apparently aimed at ramping up share prices, dealers said.

Shares gained sharply on Friday following publication of an editorial in the official China Securities Journal which was apparently aimed at boosting investor confidence and was seen by many as confirmation of rumours that the government is implementing a ten-point package aimed at driving share prices higher.

This has since been followed by the publication of a similar editorial on Saturday, as well as the publication of reports that the government has given up a plan to sell off state shares via the stock market and the publication of provisional regulations raising the threshold for listed companies seeking to launch additional share offers.

All of these actions appeared to confirm the rumours of a ten-point market-boosting package, they said.

The component A- and B-share index closed 297.17 points or 9.34 pct higher at 3,478.12 on turnover of 36.23 bln yuan after trading to a high of 3,488.33 and a low of 3,372.79.

The A-share sub-index rose 326.06 points or 9.3 pct to 3,845.10 after trading between 3,857.75 and 3,731.87.

The B-share sub-index closed 132.54 points or 9.98 pct higher at 1,460.45 after trading between 1,460.45 and 1,405.31.

Analysts said there had been widespread expectations that the government would step up its efforts to ramp up share prices after the composite index dropped below a key support level at 1,500 points, raising the risk that the market's weak fundamentals would force a sharp correction.

Many investors consider 1,500 points the market's policy bottom amid a belief that the government is not prepared to allow prices to correct below that level.
Some analysts said they believe the implementation of fresh market-boosting measures was motivated by a need to generate a market rally and create a general ly positive atmosphere in the run-up to the Communist Party's 16th Congress in autumn.

Others said the government may merely be seeking to heighten the market's ability to channel funds to cash-strapped state enterprises, and noted that institutions, who tend to take a longer-term view of stock investment, appeared to be taking profits as retail investors carried out strong buying.

They also said the government may be preparing the market for the launch of several huge A-share offers by Hong Kong-listed companies including China Unicom, PetroChina and China Southern Airlines.

Shenzhen Development Bank closed 1.19 yuan higher at 13.1 on volume of 57.6 mln shares, while Angang New Steel closed 0.38 higher at 4.18 on 14 mln shares.
FAW Car rose 0.53 to 5.8 on 34.6 mln shares.

China Vanke gained 1.19 to 13.09 on 22.7 mln shares.

Among B-shares, Guangdong Electric Power rose 0.48 hkd to 5.32 on 12.9 mln shares, while Chongqing Changan gained 0.3 to 3.28 on 15.3 mln shares.

Bengang Steel Plates rose 0.3 to 3.32 on 9.9 mln shares.

     中文:深圳全日收市- 搁置国有股减持 / A、B股齐急升逾9%
交易员称, 国务院正式宣布暂停减持国有股, 显示政府着意托市 , 投资者积极入市, A、B股收市急升, 全日交投畅旺。 他们指, 种种迹象显示, 政府决心支撑股市, 激励投资者入市信心。

上周市场传出政府将推出托市10招, 其后《中国证券报》周五发表头版评论, 强调中国市 场属「新兴」及「转轨」市场, 被视为当局有意为股市造势的证明, A、B股周五已偷步急 速上扬。

到了周末, 媒体再刊类似评论, 财政部及中国证监也随即宣布, 停止在国内证券市场执行 《减持国有股筹集社会保障资金管理暂行办法》中, 关于利用证券市场减持国有股的规定 , 并不再推出具体的实施办法。

深圳证券成分指数收市升297.17, 报3,478.12, 升幅达9.34%, 成交362.3亿人民币, 波幅 介乎3,372.79至3,488.33。

成分A股指数收市升326.06, 报3,845.10, 升幅9.3%, 波幅介乎3,857.75至3,731.87;

成分B股指数升132.54, 报1,460.45, 升幅9.98%, 波幅介乎1,460.45至1,405.31。

部分分析员预料, 在今秋中共16大前, 当局仍会推动股市向上。

深发银升1.19人民币, 报13.1, 成交5,760万股; 鞍钢新轧升0.38, 报4.18, 成交1,400万 股。

