

分类: PETS公共英语  时间: 2023-12-06 13:53:16 

Sussex police ordered to search a six-foot, dark-haired 57____________  
youth about 20 he failed to rob an old lady – Mrs West.  58____________  
The youth rushed at the lady and tried to bring h  59____________  
things and money then she was walking through the street. 60___________  
Surprisingly, however, the old lady grasped the robber  61____________  
wrist (手腕) and it made him let out of a cry “Oh, no! 62____________  
Stop!“ and ran away. ”If I had been carrying my shopping, 63____________  
I would real have put him on his back,“ said Mrs West  64____________  
who took a course in judo (柔道) when younger. “When my  65____________  
husband was living. I used to practicing throwing h  66____________  
At Christmas,“ she explained.  
第二节 书面表达  
1. 团队精神的体现与重要性。  
2. 你对团队精神的态度。

1.B 2. B 3. C 4. D 5. B 6.B 7.A 8. C 9. D 10.D  
11.B 12.A 13. A 14. C 15.A  
16. B  17. A  18. D  19. B  20. A  21. C  22. C  23. B  24. D  25. A  
26. D  27. B  28. C  29. B  30. A  31. B  32. C  33. D  34. D  35. D  
36.B. 全文理解题。本文主要介绍未来人类的外貌。A未来的生活,与中心思想不符。C不具备概括性。D器官功能衰退不能概括未来人类身体的变化。  
37. D. 细节理解。人类外貌逐渐变化的依据。见第二段第二句“Man,even five hundred years ago was shorter than he is today.” A,B,C 均为人类未来的变化趋势而不是人类变化的证据。  
38. D. 细节理解题。 第二段最后两句说人类将更多地使用大脑,最终大脑变大,前额增大。  
39. A.第二段指出人类的头发可能会消失,因为“it does not serve a useful purpose any longer”, 即头发失去作用。第三段讲人类将大量用手指,手指变得灵活敏感,所以C错误。D与后一段不符。  
40. B. 推论题。从人类身体变化可以看出,经常使用的器官部位,如大脑手指将变得发达。而不常用的器官会退化。A原文已经直接提到,不能算作推论。  
41.关键词time increasing.,great interests,Improved conditions,Longer vacations.答案选A, 准确、全面。  
42. 这是一道事实辨认题。四个选项都是各自独立的命题,是对命题的真实性进行考查。关键词:biggest,Movies, TV shows, concerts and books,reluctant/ watch professional sports.,Making TV sets/ building theatres/ entertainment.答案是D.  
44. 关键词:they /could not do/no time, workers/ cheap/ do much better. 答案是B  
45. 这道题考查对事实辨认,答案是C  
47.这是关于文章主旨的提问, 答案是A.  
51. 四个选项都是陈述观点的命题,关键词:Ads time;more people choose not;Programs/ not worth watching;Ads mustn’t be showed.答案是A  
52. 考查细节,由第二段The first McDonald’s restaurant was opened in San Bernardino, California, in 1948 by brothers Mac and Richard “Dick” McDonald.可选出答案B.  
53. 考查事实辨认,细节题。答案为C,根据是第二段Mac ran the restaurant side; Dick was the marketing genius.  
54.考查事实辨认,细节题。答案为C,根据是第二段最后Now he (指Dick) spotted the gap in the post-war, baby-boom market for cheap, family-orientated restaurants with simple menus, standardized food and efficient service.  
55. 考查细节。属于事实推断题。根据第一段And the company’s symbol Ronald McDonald is now (or so the company claims) the word’s most recognized person after Santa Claus.和倒数第二段in any language he means fun“ 选择答案D.  
56. 考查文章主旨。根据每段首句可知答案为A.McDonald’s is the world single biggest food provider …… The first McDonald’s restaurant was opened…. After a slow start, business began to boom …Today, ……… Every three hours, a new McDonald’s franchise opens somewhere in the world.  
57.Search 后面加for  
58.he 改成who  
59.bring改成 take  
60.then 改成when  
63.had 改成hadn’t  
64.real 改成really  
66.Practicing改成 practise  
It is reported that more and more companies tend to require employees with team spirit. Team spirit is very important to a company. Cooperation and discussion are encouraged. With team spirit, a company is an efficient and systematic organization. Without team spirit, everyone works according to his own plan and there is no efficiency at all.  
In my opinion, team spirit is an important quality for everyone. As it is known to all, everyone lives in his family, community, class, school, and company, all of which are different teams. Only with openness and modesty as well as sense of unity and cooperation, can we achieve our own success and contribute to society.

