

分类: PETS公共英语 

第一部分 听力(略)

第二部分   英语知识运用

第一节  单项填空


21. When we watched the national flag _________ in the Olympic Games on TV , we ________
[A] risen; rose    [B] risen; raised    [C] raised; let    [D] being raised; raised

22. -Hi, Mary, you look very tired,
-Yeah, I _________ for a whole week.
[A] worked       [B] had worked     [C] have worked   [D] have been working

23. Let me give you _________.
[A] some advice   [B] advices         [C] an advice     [D] the advice

24. The boy dived into the water and after _________ seemed to be a long time, he came up again
[A] what         [B] that           [C] it           [D] which
25. We _________ to change her _________ but she refused.

[A] did seek; mind [B] do mean; brain [C] tried; hearts   [D] attempt; plan

26. What I wanted to find out first ________ how long it was going to take.
[A] was          [B] were          [C] are          [D] being

27. He is _________ of the ten boys.
[A] the clever      [B]. the cleverer      [C] cleverest      [D] the cleverest

28. Look _________ ! There ' s a car coming.
[A] up          [B] out           [C] back        [D] over

29. Mother promised she _________ me an English-Chinese dictionary as a gift for my birthday.
[A] was buying    [B] would buy      [C] bought       [D] will buy

30. It _________ be difficult to learn Japanese.
[A] shall         [B] must           [C] should       [D] need

31. _________ will spend the weekend by the seashore.
[A] He, you and I                   [B] You, he and I
[C] I, you and he                    [D] You, I and he

32. He has been used _________ in the countryside.
[A] live           [B] to live          [C] to living      [D] living

33. When you read the map, please make a mark _________ you ' ve visited.
[A] at the place where                  [B] at the place which
[C] at which                         [D] where

34. if your wages are very small, they'll be free _________ income tax.
[A] with         [B] about          [C] to           [D] of

35. Please be quiet. I have _________ to announce.
[A] an important something             [B] important something
[C] important thing                    [D] something important

第二节      完形填空

          阅读下面短文,从短文后所给各题的四个选项(A.B.C和D)中选出能填人相应空白处的最佳选项 ,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑 。

China is one of the oldest countries in the world.She has a __36___of over forty-four thousand
years. No one is   37   where the first people in China came from. Yes, we know that bones of some of the   38   people have been found near Beijing, the capital of China, and near the Yellow River,39   runs across North China   40   a huge dragon and winds its way from west to east. There are "@"y   41   about how the world began and who the first kings were. One story tells of how ten suns shone in   42   and how Hou Yi shot down   43   of them. Another story tells about how Huang Di,the Yellow Emperor,   44   Chi You and united different parts of the country into one   45   .

The ancient (古代的) Chinese did a lot of wonders,  46   was the Great Wall. It came into being
in the 220's B.C. It took many years to build. Seeing the Great Wall, which is   47   enough for ten soldiers to march   48   along its top, you can't help   49   how all the work was done by hand.People in ancient times   50   in magic (魔法的) used to say that Emperor Qin Shihuang   51 across the mountains   52   a magic horse. The wall   53   under him as he went along. Wherever the horse   54   his foot heavily, a watch-tower appeared. But the wall was not made by magic. It was made   55   and lives of thousands of men.

36. [A] period         [B] population       [C] culture        [D] history
37. [A] told          [B] interested in     [C] asked        [D] shown
38. [A] living        [B] old            [G] first          [D] world
39. [A] that          [B] which         [C] where        [D] it
40. [A] like          [B] with           [C] under        [D] as
41. [A] books        [B] says           [C] stories        [D] words
42. [A] spare        [B] the sky        [C] summer      [D] the night
43. [A] all          [Bj half           [C] one          [D] nine
44. [A] beat         [B] heated         [C] win         [D] won
45. [A] kingdom      [B] capital         [C] world        [D] part
46. [A] of which      [B] among which    [C] one of which  [D] whose one
47. [A] high         [B] his            [C] strong        [D] wide
48. [A] side by side   [B] together         [C] forward       [D] in good order
49. [A] wonder       [B] to wonder      [C] wondered     [D] wondering
50. [A] believe        [B] to believe       [C] believed      [D] believing
51. [A] rided        [B] rode          [C] ridden       [D] had ridden
52. [A] on          [B] in           [C] by         [D] for
53. [A] disappeared   [B] appeared       [C] ran          [D] broke
China is one of the oldest countries in the world. She lias a _36   of over forty-four thousand
54. [A] gave         [B] put           [C] got    [D] arrived
55. [A] the work      [B] by the work     [C] the M  [D] by the hand

