

分类: PETS公共英语 

第一部分 听力(略)

第二部分   英语知识运用

第一节  单项填空


21 . The party ________. You are a little late.
[A] just began      [B] just has began    [C] has just begun     [D] begun just now

22. - That would mean _________ a lot of labour.
- Really? I don't mean ________ any labour.
[A] to waste; wasting                      [B] wasting; to waste
[C] to waste; to waste                     [D] wasting; wasting

23. _________ interesting book it is !
[A] What        [B] What a         [C] What an         [D] How an

24. They lay almost flat and _________ through the tube like underground passage.
[A] climbed        [B] crawled          [C] slid              [D] glided

25. She always wears beautiful _________.
[A] clothes         [B] cloth             [G] dress             [D] clothing

26. The editor told the reporter to write a _________ report.
[A] two-thousand-words                   [B] two-thousands-words
[C] two-thousand-word                     [D] two thousand words

27. The house is ________ fire.
[A] in           [B] on             [C] at              [D] with

28. Would you please be ________ to do me a favor?
[A] so kind as      [B] too kind as       [C] as kind as        [D] not so as to

29. If only I ________ speak English better!
[A] can           [B] could           [C] should           [D] must

30. -I'm afraid there's a mistake in the bill. You've charged me for three bottles, not two
[A] Forget it!                             [B] I hope you can do something about it
[C] Never mind, it doesn't really matter.    [D] I'm extremely sorry about that.

31. This recorder costs _________ money than that one.
[A] little           [B] less              [C] fewer             [D] few

32. He didn't tell _________ truth. He told _________ lie.
[A] /;/           [B] the; the         [C] a; a             [D] the; a

33. -You would have caught the train; you went there a little later.
-_________, I ________ the bus.
[A] Yes, had missed                      [B] Yes, missed
[C] No, don't miss                       [D] No, wouldn't miss

34. -Have you been to Shanghai?
[A] Not already     [B] Not ever          [C] Not never         [D] Not yet

35. -We ' re going to London for holiday next week. Would you mind taking care of my garder
while we ' re away?
-Not at all. _________.
[A] Sorry, I have no time                 [B] I'd rather not
[C] With pleasure                        [D] No, I wouldn't

第二节 完形填空

阅读下面短文,从短文后所给各题的四个选项 (A.B.C和D )中选出能填入相应空白处的最佳选项 ,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。

The northern parts of the United States get very cold in the winter. It   (36)   a great deal and the temperature often goes   (37)   zero degree in January,    38   and March. But the northeastern and northcentral regions of   (39)   have been financial and industrial   (40)  , and they are heavily polluted.

In recent years, people in these   (41)   have begun to take vacations   (42)   these cold winter months. They go to southern parts of the country   (43)   it is warmer. Many go to Florida where the weather is   (44)  . Others go to the western states of Arizona, New Mexico and Texas where they (45)   dry desert climates It has become   (46   nowadays, for older people to move south to these places   47   they retire Typically these people   (48)   their houses in their home communities and move south to begin a new life(49)   senior citizens.

Their children likely have homes   (50)   and many of them move south   (51)   communities where they were   (52)   . The southern and southwestern parts of the country are now growing   (53)   any other parts. Business and industry   (54)   many offices and factories in the   (55)   . California is already the most popular state in the country.

36. [A] rains          [B] winds           [G] clouds           [D] snows
37. [A] below         [B] above           [G] nearer           [D] over
38. [A] April         [B] May            [C] February         [D] June
39. [A] the town       [B] the country       [C] the city           [D] the state
40. [A] centres         [B] factories          [C] workshops         [D] plants
41. [A] countries       [B] regions          [C] cities             [D] towns
42. [A] among        [B] toward          [C] during           [D] before
43. [A] where         [B] when           [C] which           [D] that
44. [A] typical         [B] usual            [C] tropical           [D] practical
45. [A] get rid of      [B] look for         [C] search for        [D] find
46. [A] strange        [B] traditional        [C] common          [D] rare
47. [A] when         [B] where           [C] unless           [D] though
48. [A] buy           [B] sell             [C] rent             [D] rebuild
49. [A] for           [B] as             [G] to              [D] toward
50. [A] of their        [B] for their own      [C] for theirs          [D] for their own's
51. [A] nearest        [B] among          [G] away from        [D] far to
52. [A] born          [B] raised           [C] lost              [D] found
53. [A] less than       [B] as fast as         [C] as slow as         [D] faster than
54. [A] have opened    [B] closed           [C] rebuilt            [D] setup
55. [A] north          [B] west            [C] east             [D] south

