

分类: PETS公共英语 

21. Who is the woman?
[A] A camp counselor.                     [B] A candidate.
[ C ] A radio announcer.                    [D] A campaign manager.
22. Where will they put the posters?
[A] In the hallways.                        [B] In the man's room.
[C] In the cafeteria.                        [D] In the radio station.

23. When is the radio broadcast scheduled?
[A] In the morning.                       [B] During lunch.
[C] In the afternoon.                       [D] During dinner.

24. What will the man do tonight?
[A] Make posters.                         [B] Write a speech.
[C] Answer questions.                      [D] Study for chemistry.

25. What will they do after chemistry class?
[ A] Compare their lecture notes.             [ B] Review the man' s talk.
[C] Prepare questions to ask candidates.     [D] Vote in the school election.

You now have 60 seconds to check your answers to questions 20 -25.
Now you have 3 minutes to transfer your answers from your test booklet to the ANSWER SHEET 1.
That is the end of the listening comprehension section.

Section Ⅱ Use of English
(15 minutes)

Read the following text. Choose the best word or phrase for each numbered blank and mark A, B,C, or Don your ANSWER SHEET 1.


In some ways, the human body is both like a furnace and like an engine. It must have fuel to produce heat as a furnace   26  . It must have fuel to produce motion and do   27   as an engine does. The nutrients (营养物) which   28   energy best are carbohydrates (碳水化合物) and fats. Protein can also be used as fuel. Minerals, vitamins, and water,   29   extremely valuable to the body, cannot be used as fuel.

If the body takes in more carbohydrates   30   are used for energy, the   31   is stored. Two storage places are the liver (肝) and muscles. There is a   32   , however, to the amount of carbohydrates they can   33  . When they are filled and they always   34   be for you to feel your best, excess carbohydrates are changed to fat and   35   around the body.

If the body does not take   36   a sufficient amount of food, it will use its stored fat for energy. If you   37   at all, the body would use up all the stored fats and   38   it would use its own protein in order to keep   39   as long as possible.  Therefore, the   40   amount of food you eat should be in   41   with your energy requirements. It is not necessary,   42  , for you to go   43   counting calories (卡路里l) and weighing food. If a person is the   44   weight, it is safe to   45   that he is eating enough.

26. [A] has           [B] needs           [C] does          [D] is
27. [A] job            [B] function         [C] behaviour      [D] work
28. [A] present        [B] offer             [C] supply         [D] grant
29. [A] as            [B] since           [C] when          [D] while
30. [A] than          [B]such            [C] which         [D] that
31. [A] access         [B] excess           [C] assess          [D] extra
32. [A] restriction      [B] barrier           [C] limit           [D] terminal
33. [A] fill            [B] hold            [C] involve        [D] press
34. [A] might         [B] would           [C] could          [D] should
35 .[A] extended       [B] distributed       [C] separated       [D] stretched
36. [A] in           [B] up            [C] on           [D] down
37. [A] won 'teat     [B] mustn 't eat      [C] did not eat     [D] have not eaten
38. [A] when         [B] but             [C] because       [D] then
39. [A] alike          [B] alive            [C] asleep         [ D] awake
40. [A] general        [B] overall           [C] usual          [D] total
41. [A] contact         [B] accordance       [C] contrast        [D] line
42. [A] anyhow        [B] otherwise        [C] moreover       [D] however
43. [A] around         [ B ] away             [ C ] after        [ D ] against
44. [A] exact          [B] same            [C] right          [D] accurate
45. [A] imagine       [B] remind          [C] recommend     [D] suppose

