

分类: 大学四六级英语  时间: 2023-11-24 15:27:12 






26. K) reputed
27. C) characters
28. M) supposed
29. E) fierce
30. H) obsessed
31. A) campaign
32. N) traditional
33. I) proclamation
34. F) inspired
35. L) rest


[J] 题干:Modest institutions can also have successful graduates and strong alumni networks.
[G] 题干:The money the author made in high school helped pay for her living expenses and books at college.
[C] 题干:The author came to see how costly college education could be when she was trying to choose a university to attend.
[K] 题干:A recent study found that a graduate’s salary is determined by their potential, not the university they attended.
[B] 题干:The author cannot recall for sure what made certain top universities appear a lot better.
[H] 题干:None of the author’s job interviewers cared which college she went to.
[N] 题干:The author thinks she did the right thing in choosing a less prestigious university.
[A] 题干:In order to be admitted to a prestigious university, the author took part in various extracurricular activities and attended test preparation courses.
[E] 题干:The author liked her university which was not prestigious but less expensive.
[I] 题干:Colleges are reluctant to admit that graduates today are in heavier debt.








Trust is the glue that binds relationships, which is also significant in the relationship between teachers and students. Things that harm this kind of trust may bring serious consequences to both sides included.
First of all, learning is quite personal. In real life, we often see that if a student doesn’t trust his teachers, he may lose interest in that subject and perform badly later. On the other hand, if a teacher doesn’t trust his students, their feeling may get hurt and this would in turn affect their academic performances. Secondly, the loss of trust could also influence a teacher’s life. For example, he will find it hard to teach and manage the class. And this will later affect his passions of teaching and work performances.
From what’s been discussed above, we can easily see that a good relationship is crucial to both sides. And a good relationship between them is also vital for the whole society. Therefore, we must all help to build a trustful teacher-student relationship.

Trust is the glue that binds relationships, which is also a fundamental element in teacher-student relationships. Anything that breaches their trust may bring severe consequences to everyone included.
To start with, knowledge is objective while learning is not always the case. Once the trust between the two parties is broken, students’ learning will get damaged seriously, especially with younger students. We’ve seen numerous examples in real life that students lose interest in a subject and perform poorly just because they don’t like or trust their teachers. On the other hand, teachers’ distrust may also hurt students’ feelings and jeopardize their learning. Secondly, if a teacher loses credibility among his students, it will not only cause ongoing troubles in his daily job, such as teaching and managing the class, but also influence his own work ethic. Even worse, this could lead to a vicious cycle. Last but not least, if the issue persists for a long time, the overall education will suffer and the society will pay the price.
Therefore, a mutually-trusted relationship is of paramount importance and all the stakeholders here should work together to form a reciprocal relation.




China now has the largest and fastest high-speed railway network in the world. The speed of high-speed trains will go on to be improved. More and more cities are building their high-speed railway stations. High-speed railway has greatly reduced the time people spend on travelling. Compared with planes, the outstanding advantage of high-speed train is that they arrive on time, because basically high-speed trains are not often affected by weather or traffic control. High-speed railway has greatly changed the way of Chinese people’s life. Nowadays, it has become the first choice of transportation of business trips for Chinese people. More and more people also take high-speed trains to travel on holidays. Besides, many young people choose to work in one city and live in a city next to it, and they take high-speed trains to and from work.

China currently possesses the largest and fastest high-speed railway network in the world. The speed of high-speed trains is expected to be continuously improved, with more and more cities building their high-speed railway stations. High-speed railway significantly cuts back the time people spend on traveling. Compared with planes, the outstanding advantage of high-speed trains is their punctuality, for it is scarcely influenced by weather conditions or traffic control. High-speed railway has tremendously changed Chinese people’s lifestyle. Nowadays, it has become the first option of transportation mode when people are on business trips. A growing number of people also take the high-speed railway to travel on holidays. What’s more, some youngsters choose to work in one city while living in a neighboring one, riding high-speed trains to commute.


