

分类: 大学四六级英语  时间: 2023-11-24 15:27:12 


Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay on innovation. Your essay should include the importance of innovation and measures to be taken to encourage innovation. You are required to write at least 150 words but no more than 200 words.

Supposing that our human society intends to acquire and enjoy long-time prosperity, it is advisable for humans to maintain their innovative minds. 
Living in an era of information, we are using a variety of technological products, which are based on innovative ideas, such as digital cameras, portable computers and smart phones. These creative inventions bring us great convenience, arouse our enthusiasm for future life, and help our society to move forward. As a matter of fact, intelligent people in large numbers have come to realize the significance of innovation for our social development: without innovation, industries can never be modernized; without innovation, our medical science can never cure so many fatal diseases; and without innovation, there would be no electronic products we use today. 
We should bear in mind that innovation does enhance the social, scientific and cultural advancement. Thus, students in schools should be educated to think critically to foster their innovative awareness; scientists should be supported with financial aids to propose innovative ideas and carry out innovative researches. And of course, I, as a college student, am convinced that it is of great necessity for students to propose innovative approaches to enhance their efficiency of learning. 



大数据big data
科学和工程science and engineering
全球第一rank first in the world
热门领域hot field
人造器官artificial organ
新的突破new breakthrough
新粒子new particle
虚拟现实virtual reality
研究所research institute
分享经济 sharing economy
共享汽车 shared car
共享单车 shared bike/ bicycle 
扫码解锁单车 scan the QR code to unlock a bike
违规停车 illegal parking
停放点 parking lot/area
出境游 outbound trips/ oversea traveling
免税店 duty-free shop
海外购物 overseas shopping
移动支付 mobile payment
科技创新宝地 best place for science and innovation
高铁 high-speed train
收入分配 income distribution
市场经济market economy
人工智能 artificial intelligence
私人汽车 private cars
大众传媒负面影响 the negative influence of mass media
一次性塑料袋 disposable plastic bags
全球化 globalization
一带一路倡议the Belt and Road Initiative
发挥潜能 fulfill one’s potential 
提升效率 improve the efficiency 


