

分类: PETS公共英语 

4 Still the noise within the bank increased. It had become an uproar.
A further problem was that the growing mass of arrivals in the central public area of the bank was preventing access to tellers' counters by other customers. Edwina could see a few of them outside, regarding the milling scene with consternation. While she watched, several gave up and walked away.Inside the bank some of the newcomers were engaging tellers in conversation and the tellers, having nothing else to do because of the melee, chatted back. Two assistant managers had gone to the central floor area and were trying to regulate the flood of people so as to clear some space at counters. They were having small success.

5 She decided it was time for her own intervention.

Edwina left the platform and a railed-off staff area and, with difficulty, made her way through the milling crowd to the main front door.

A. Yet she knew however much they hurried it would still take ten to fifteen minutes to open any single new account. It always did. The paperwork required that time.

B. But still no hostility was evident. Everyone in the now jam-packed bank who was spoken to by members of the staff answered politely and with a smile. It seemed, Edwina thought, as if all who were here had been briefed to be on best behavior.

C. A security guard directed him, "Over there for new accounts." The guard pointed to a desk where a clerk ? a young girl ? sat waiting. She appeared nervous. The big man walked toward her, smiled reassuringly, and sat down. Immediately a press of others moved into a ragged line behind him, waiting for their turn.

D. Even leaning close to the intercom, it was hard to hear above the noise.

E. Even tripling the present complement of clerks would permit very few more than two hundred and fifty accounts to be opened in a day, yet already, in the first few minutes of business, the bank was crammed with at least four hundred people, with still more flooding in, and the line outside, which Edwina rose to check, appeared as long as ever.

F. Obviously someone had alerted the press in advance, which explained the presence of the TV camera crew outside. Edwina wondered who had done it.

Part CAnswer questions 1-10 by referring to the comments on 3 different cars in the following magazine article.Note: Answer each question by choosing A, B or C and mark it on ANSWER SHEET 1. Some choices may be required more than once.A=Audi A3 B=Honda Civic C=Rover 216

Which car...

has a driver seat that can be adjusted to suit most people? 1. ____offers a poor view even when the mirrors are used? 2. ____gives the most space for tall passengers in the back? 3. ____has a convenient way to extend the space for suitcases? 4. ____is most likely to suffer damage to the petrol supply in the case of frontal collision? 5. ____offers the most easily tuned radio? 6. ____would remain silent in the event of theft? 7. ____allows easy access to the back seats? 8. ____has the best engine design in terms of saving money? 9. ____has its handbook criticised? 10. ____

Audi A3Most of our drivers said the A3 was their clear favourite in this group. They described it as refined and comfortable with good handling characteristics and light, precise steering.All the seats were comfortable and the front ones were easy to adjust. Most drivers liked the driving position, helped by a good range of steering wheel and seat height adjustments. The main instruments were clear and dashboard controls were well positioned.Mirror coverage was very good but our drivers complained that the view out of the rear was badly hindered by the high rear window line and thick pillars.Getting into the back seats was easy, thanks to a clever seat mechanism, which moves the seat up and forward as well as tilting the backrest. Rear legroom was reasonable but the rear seat was only barely wide enough for three adults.Luggage space was average for this class of car but you have to remove the rear head restraints to fold the rear seat. There were plenty of useful interior stowage spaces.All A3s come with an alarm and immobiliser as standard. Our 'thief' got in through the doors in 20 seconds, But the radio was a non-standard fit, which is likely to deter thieves.The hinges of the rear seats could release in an accident, allowing luggage to crash through into the passenger compartment. Also, the driver's knees could be damaged by stiff structures under the dash.Some parts of the fuel system and electrics would be vulnerable to damage in a frontal collision.

