

分类: PETS公共英语 
UNIT 5  At Home
Be amazed at sth. 对…感到惊讶
I‘m amazed to hear that …
It amazes sb. That… …使…感到惊讶
Do sth. In surprise
Do sth. In amazement
Do sth. In astonishment
To sb‘s amazement 使…人感到惊讶的是…
What  an amazing coincidence ? 巧合, 多么巧啊?
Be similar to sth. 和…很相似
Admire sb. For sth. 因为…而敬佩
My admiration for sth/sb 我对…事/人的钦佩
Thumb your nose at sth. 对…看不起,藐视
Green thumb/fingers 有园艺技能
Be on the mend 在恢复中(比如身体)
Mend your ways 改邪归正
Mend your fences 想和…人重归于好
As busy as a bee 像蜜蜂一样忙碌
My guess is that…我的猜想是…(表语从句)
Sticky adj. 粘的 sticky rice 糯米
Stick to sth. 坚持… to 为介词
Fist-fight 赤手空拳的打斗
Shake one‘s fist at sb 朝…人挥手打架
Show anger at sb. 朝…人发火
…in anger= angrily
what perfume do you wear? 你喷什么香水? (穿带都可以)
put on 强调动作
wear out 磨损,老化
be worn out非常疲劳
be dressed in     强调状态, 穿着…的东西。
have ……on
dress up as
get dressed 穿好衣服
dress sb‘s wound 包扎…人的伤口
band 乐队  frontman 主唱
POP band 流行乐队
ROCK band 摇滚乐队
Are you kidding? 你是开玩笑的吧?
Have an argument about/over sth. 对…进行争吵/争论、
Heated argument  热烈的争吵/争论
Behind the time = old-fashioned 过时了的
Be wet behind the ears 初出茅庐,少不经事
Silence is golden. 沉默是金
Speech is silver 雄辩是赢
In  support of 支持…东西
Be hospitalized v. 住院
Sell sb‘s soul (to the devil) 出卖…人的灵魂(魔鬼)
Heart and soul 全心全意
Keep body and soul together 仅仅维持生活
At every opportunity 一有机会就…
Take/use the opportunity  利用机会
Photo opportunity = photo op. 拍照机会(杂志等封面照片,尤指名人等)
Tear sb‘s heart out = make sb very sad 使…人很悲伤
Tear a strip off sb. 非常严厉的批评…人

