

分类: GRE-GMAT英语 

94. x is more than 3 but less than 100, ask how many prime squres are in 3/x. ( 9 and 25 only)

95.two identical square in one rectangular, the perimeter of rectangular is 18xsqurt2, ask the perimeter of each square(old jj, but old jj but rhombus instead of identical square)

96. 3男3女中选4个人,问4个人中男女相等的概率?


98.买第1-5本书8元/本,买第6--10本7元/本,买10本以后6元/本, 摩人买两次,第一次共花32元,第二次化61元,问如果他一次就买所有的书,花多少钱? (ans 87)

99. A1=3, A2=5, An=An-1 – An-2 , pls add A1, A2 to A100,ask the result
Answer: 7

100.一个长方形长150米, 宽100米, 问用0。5米 边长的正方形, 来覆盖, 要用多少?


R=-根号下(0.0025), S=-根号下(1/1600), T=-[根号下(0.04)]/2
103. One ball will drop from a certain height. The height it will reach after rebounding from the floor is 75 percent of the previous height. The total travel is 2146cm when it touchs the floor on third time. Ask for the original height?
Answer: c

104.Jan's 160. change 4w/3 to 5w/4.
my Answer: D, 12

105.DS, the sum of four consecutive odd numbers is 12 less than the sum of four consecutive even numbers, ask for the least among the odd numbers?
a) the sum of four consecutive odd numbers is 48.
b) the sum of four consecutive even numbers is 60.
my answer: D.

106. one rectangle with perimeter of 18*Sqr2 is inscribed by two identical squares(there is a picture which shows: the two squares are turned 45 degree so that one vertex of a diagonal of one square touches one vertex of a diagnoal of the other inside the rectangle, and the rest of vertex of each diagonal of two squares just touches the edge of length and width of the rectangle. I hope that I made it clear), ask for the perimeter of a square?
my answer: 12.
2*(a^2) = ((1/2)*L)^2, 2*(a^2) = w^2, 2(L+w)=18*Sqr2, get a=3

107. 3x + 7y = 9, ask for ratio?
my answer: -3/7

108. pick up 2 from 12 items, the order does not matter, How many
selections are there?
My answer: C(2, 12) = 66.

109. sb A finishes the first 10 miles with speed of 40miles/hr, and the rest of 20 miles with speed of 60miles/hr, ask average speed?
my answer: 51.4

110. DS. two kinds of balls in a box, A and B, pick two balls from the box,
ask the probability that at least one A ball is picked?
a) A:B=3:1
b) the total balls in the box is less than 20.
My: e

111. which of following satisfy f(ab)=f(a)f(b)?
My: f(x)=Sqr(x)

