

分类: GRE-GMAT英语 
119. The following is from an editorial that appeared in a River City newspaper. “The Clio Development Group wants to build a multilevel parking garage on Dock Street in River City, but the plan should not be approved. Most of the buildings on the block would then have to be demolished. Because these buildings were erected decades ago, they have historic significance and must therefore be preserved as economic assets in the effort to revitalize a restored riverfront area. Recall how Lakesburg has benefited from business increases in its historic downtown center. Moreover, there is plenty of vacant land for a parking lot elsewhere in River City.” 给River城的报纸的编辑的一封信:  Clio发展商不应该被允许在Dock街修建多层停车场,因为这个街区的大多数建筑将被摧毁。因为这些建筑是几十年前修建的,他们具有历史意义,因此应该在复兴沿河区域的努力中被保留做经济资产。回忆一下沿湖地区通过他们的有历史的中心街区的商业增长得到了多少好处。而且,River城的其他地方有足够多空地可以修停车场。 文章反对摧毁古建筑来修建停车场。 所以你应该说那些建筑没有什么历史意义,不一定会带来商业增长。RIVER城其它地方并没有空地,就只有DOCK街需要停车场其它地方远水解不了近渴,我们还可以通过其它方法避免摧毁建筑而又可以在DOCK街修建多层停车场

