

分类: GRE-GMAT英语 

ad-lib        v. 即兴演唱,临时穿插,信口说出? 

without restraint or limit

ad-lib : impromptu :: aside : divergent  

admission     n. 许可,入会费,承认 

the act or process of admitting

lottery : raffle :: ?:admission

admonish      v. 训诫,警告

to express warning or disapproval to especially in a gentle, earnest, or solicitous manner

admonish : denounce :: punish : pillory  {persuade:convince}  

peccadillo : sin :: admonishment : castigation      

pretense : deceive :: admonition : reprove   


adore         vt. 崇拜,爱慕,喜爱  

to regard with loving admiration and devotion

abhorrence : dislike :: adoration : fondness   

adulate : fawn :: woo  : adore  

apprehension : terror :: affection : adoration     

fascination : interest :: adoration : fondness  

adroit        adj. 熟练的,灵巧的 

having or showing skill, cleverness, or resourcefulness in handling situations

loquacious : succinct :: adroit : ungainly    

adroit <>ungainly

adulate       v. 谄媚,奉承

to flatter or admire excessively or slavishly

adulate : fawn :: woo : adorn  

aversion : disinclination :: adulation : admiration     

scorn : reject :: adulate : flatter :: disparage : ignore    

adulate <> scorn  

adulation <> disdain

adulterate    vt. 掺杂  

to corrupt, debase, or make impure by the addition of a foreign or inferior substance or element stickler

approximation / imprecision :: purist : adulteration  

adversary     n. 敌手,对手

one that contends with, opposes, or resists : ENEMY

adversary <>ally

advertise     vt. 做广告,通知  

to announce publicly especially by a printed notice or a broadcast

advertising : commercial :: publishing : journal

