

分类: TOEFL托福英语  时间: 2023-12-06 12:55:06 

flight n. flying; aviation; trip on an airplane; set of stairs; escape; running away; group (of birds, planes, etc.); passage of time

florist n. owner of a flower shop; person who makes flower arrangements

fluctuate v. to vacillate; to waver; to vary; to change

fluctuation n. vacillation; instability; wavering; inconstancy; change

fluency n. ability to speak and write easily; eloquence; articulateness; gracefulness

fluent adj. articulate; eloquent; able to read and write with ease; graceful; fluid; flowing

folder n. dossier for storing papers; directory; subdirectory of a disk or in which files are stored; person or things that folds

forecast adj. predicted; expected; anticipated

forecast n. prediction of a future event or condition (i.e. development of the economy)

forecast v. to predict a future event or condition; to foretell

forecaster n. person who foretells future events; weatherman

foremost adv. first in place or rank; primary; leading; main

foresee v. to predict; to prophesy; to foretell

foreshadow v. to present an indication or a suggestion of beforehand; presage

forestall v. to delay, hinder, or prevent by taking precautionary measures beforehand; to deal with or think of beforehand; anticipate

foretell v. to tell of or indicate beforehand; predict

forfeit adj. lost or subject to loss through forfeiture

forfeit n. something surrendered or subject to surrender as punishment for a crime, an offense, an error, or a breach of contract

forfeit v. to surrender, be deprived of, or give up the right to on account of a crime, an offense, an error, or a breach of contract; to subject to seizure as a forfeit

formal adj. ceremonious; conventional; according to custom; stiff; strict; symmetrical; opposite of informal

formal n. occasion which requires fancy dress (dance, ball, etc.); evening gown

format n. structure; pattern; design; organization; pattern of data organization

format v. to design the appearance of; to arrange; to place in a certain format; to prepare a diskette or hard disk for use

formatted adj. arranged in a particular way; prepared for reading and writing

formula n. set way of saying or doing something; principle; pattern

formulate v. to devise; to conceive; to develop; to plan; to express in a formula

fortify v. to reinforce by adding material; to impart physical strength or endurance to; invigorate; to give emotional, moral, or mental strength to; encourage; to strengthen or enrich (food, for example), as by adding vitamins

fortunate adj. lucky; successful; opportune

fortune n. luck; wealth; chance; great wealth; success; riches; fate

forward v. to send; to convey; to transmit; to promote; to advance; to resend an email message that has been received

foster v. to encourage; to nurture; to promote; to raise; to care for

found v. to establish; to institute; to create; to build; to set up; to start a company; to melt

foundation n. base; fundament; substructure; establishing; institution; cosmetic cream used as a base for makeup

founder n. establisher; person who establishes a company, organization or channel; person who gives authorization to operate a channel

founder v. to fill with water and sink; to fall; to fail; to stumble; to cause to sink

fraction n. product of the division of one number by another; part of a whole; segment; fragment; quotient

fragile adj. easily broken, damaged, or destroyed; frail; Lacking physical or emotional strength; delicate; lacking substance; tenuous or flimsy

frame n. casing; skeleton; structure; body structure; mood; picture in a film

frame v. to enclose in a frame (i.e. a picture); to contrive false evidence against; to set up; to construct; to build; to fashion; to formulate

framework n. support; skeleton; structure; system

franchise n. license to market a company's goods or services; business which has been granted a license; right to vote

franchise v. to grant a license to an individual or group; to grant the right to vote

franchisor n. person who has the right to grant a license

frantic adj. excessively agitated; transported with rage or other violent emotion; marked by uncontrolled excitement or emotion

fraud n. swindle; deceit; cheating; forgery; embezzlement; cheat; swindler

fraudulent adj. guilty; dishonest; of the nature of fraud; based on fraud

fraught adj. full of or accompanied by; charged with, laden with

freelance n. a person who sells services to employers without a long-term commitment to any of them; an uncommitted independent, as in politics or social life

freelance v. to work as a freelance

freight n. cargo or goods that are shipped for a fee; shipping cost; transportation; conveyance; shipment

freight v. to load with goods; to load; to weigh down; to send as cargo

frequency n. quality of occurring regularly; rate at which a function reoccurs; number of occurrences within a given period of time; number of wave cycles within a given period of time

frisky adj. energetic; full of life; playful; lively

frugal adj. practicing or marked by economy, as in the expenditure of money or the use of material resources; costing little; inexpensive

fuel n. substance burned to create energy (petrol, gasoline, gas, wood, coal, etc)

fuel v. to provide with a combustible substance that provides energy

fueled adj. filled with petrol, gas or another substance that produces energy

fulfill v. to realize; to bring into being; to make a reality; to accomplish; to complete; to gratify; to satisfy; to execute

fulfillment n. realization; bringing into being; performance; completion; gratification; satisfaction

function n. duty; role; use; purpose; feature; convention; seminar; festive event; social occasion

function v. to work; to act; to operate; to perform

fund n. amount of money set aside for a specific purpose; supply

fund v. to finance; to supply with money; to allocate or set aside financial sums; to extend a short-term obligation

fundamental adj. basic; elemental; essential

fundamental n. principle; basis; essential

funnel n. device with a wide opening at the top which narrows as it reaches the bottom (used to conduct liquids into small openings)

funnel v. to channel; to centralize; to send through a funnel

funneled adj. channeled; centralized; sent through a funnel

furnish v. to equip with what is needed, especially to provide furniture for; to supply; give

furniture n. movable articles for use in a home or office (i.e. chairs, desks, cabinets, closets, etc.); accessories; appliances

fussy adj. exacting; choosy; finicky; ornate; full of excessive detail; nagging; annoying

futile adj. having no useful result; trifling and frivolous; idle

