

分类: TOEFL托福英语  时间: 2023-12-06 12:55:01 

seminar n. educational meeting devoted to a particular topic; advanced academic course requiring a large amount of independent research; meeting of an advanced academic course which requires a large amount of independent research

senior adj. older; elder; having a higher rank; elderly; aged; pertaining to students in their final year at a school or university

senior n. student in his final year at a school or university; person of higher rank; older person; elder; senior citizen

sensible adj. rational; reasonable; wise; judicious; cognizant; aware; able to be perceived; perceptive; able to perceive; considerable; appreciable

sensitive adj. having the capacity for feeling; susceptible to external influences or agents; responsive; reactive; delicate; requiring special care or treatment; touchy; responding acutely to emotional stimuli; temperamental

sequence n. progression; succession; series of things in succession; order; arrangement; chain of events; series of scenes which make up one episode of a film (Cinema); consequence; outcome; order of monomers within a polymer chain (Genetics)

series n. sequence; succession; television program broadcast in installments; (Mathematics) sequence of numbers which are added together in succession (often an infinite sequence)

session n. meeting; assembly; period of time during which a meeting takes place; term; semester; period of time that a school is open and holding classes

set out v. to display; to begin to pursue a certain goal or direction; to undertake; to attempt; to begin a journey; to lay out in a systematical fashion; to arrange; to plant

set up v. to establish; to start; to found; to being; to raise

setback n. obstacle; misfortune; something which hinders progress; instance of hindering progress

setup n. arrangement; structure; organization; hoax; staged event with a predetermined outcome; configuration of hardware or software (Computers)

severely adv. seriously; gravely; acutely; critically

shabby adj. showing signs of wear and tear; threadbare or worn-out; dilapidated or deteriorated in condition, especially through neglect; seedy; despicable; mean

shareholder n. person or organization that owns part of a company

shelf n. flat board attached horizontally to a wall or frame and used for storing or displaying items; something which resembles a shelf; projection; rock ledge; sandbank; sand bar

shipment n. sending of cargo or freight; cargo or freight that is transported

shipping n. business of sending or transporting cargo; sea voyage (Archaic)

shipyard n. place where vessels are built and repaired

shortage n. lack; scarcity; deficit; deficiency

shredder n. device used to destroy documents by cutting them into small strips or pieces

shrewdness n. intelligence; ability to think in a clever manner

significance n. meaning; sense; quality of having meaning

significant adj. important; consequential; meaningful; having meaning; of a considerable amount

signification n. meaning; sense; importance; consequence; act of pointing out

signify v. to represent; to indicate; to communicate; to express; to convey; to have importance; to have significance

simmer v. to be cooked gently or remain just at or below the boiling point; to be filled with pent-up emotion

simulate v. to copy; to pretend; to fake

simulation n. act of pretending; counterfeit; imitation of the operation or features of one system using an other system (i.e. computer simulation)

sincere adj. honest; truthful; frank; straightforward; genuine; earnest

sincerely adv. honestly; genuinely; earnestly; faithfully; sincerely yours (used at the end of a letter)

skim v. to remove matter floating on the surface of a liquid; to glide on or just above a surface; to glance through quickly; to cause an object to skip across the surface of a liquid

skirting n. act of going around; avoidance; evasion

slam v. to shut with force and loud noise; to put, throw, or otherwise forcefully move so as to produce a loud noise; to hit or strike with great force

slander n. false and injurious statements made about another; defamation; calumny

slander v. to make false and injurious statements about another; to defame; to vilify; to malign

slantwise adj. sloping; inclined

slantwise adv. at an angle; obliquely; in a slanting direction

slap n. a sharp blow made with the open hand or with a flat object; a smack; a sharp insult

slap v. to strike with a flat object, such as the palm of the hand; to cause to strike sharply and loudly; to put or place quickly or carelessly; to criticize or insult sharply

sleeve n. a part of a garment that covers all or part of an arm

slice n. thin piece cut from a larger object; portion; share

slice v. to cut into portions; to cut off from; to make a cut in; to cut into; to cleave; to move quickly through

