

分类: TOEFL托福英语  时间: 2023-12-06 12:54:59 

token n. symbol; sign; mark; remembrance; memento; keepsake; coin that has no true value except in particular instances (i.e. token for one subway ride)

toll n. tax; charge; levy; grievous price; act or sound of ringing a bell

topic n. theme; subject of conversation

total v. to add up; amount

tow n. act of dragging or pulling with a rope or chain

tow v. to pull; to drag

traffic v. to deal in; to sell (especially illegal drugs)

trail n. track; footprints; path; way

trail v. to follow; to drag; to tow

transact v. to carry out; to conduct; to perform

transaction n. negotiation; settlement; business deal

transcend v. to excel; to rise above

transcendent adj. sublime; exalted; superior

transfer n. exchange; conveying something from one person to another

transfer v. to move from one place to another; to convey; to relocate; to hand over; to pass on

transform v. to change markedly the appearance or form of; to change the nature, function, or condition of; convert

transfuse v. to pour (something) out of one vessel into another; to cause to be instilled or imparted; To diffuse through; permeate; to administer a transfusion of or to (medicine)

transgress v. to go beyond or over (a limit or boundary); exceed or overstep; to act in violation of (the law, for example)

transmit v. to send from one person, thing, or place to another; convey; to cause to spread; pass on; to impart or convey to others by heredity or inheritance; hand down

trash n. something discarded; something of no value; rubbish; garbage; refuse; nonsense

tray n. flat receptacle used to hold other items; platter

treasure v. to put away for future use

treatment n. medical care; therapy; care; relation; attitude; behavior; handling; usage; artistic or stylistic handling

treaty n. formal agreement between two states; compact; covenant; contract

tremendous adj. very great in numbers; huge; powerful

trespass v. to commit an offense or a sin; transgress or err; to commit an unlawful injury to the person, property, or rights of another, with actual or implied force or violence, especially to enter onto another's land wrongfully; to infringe on the privacy, time, or attention of another

trespasser n. one who damages a person or his property or rights; one who errs or sins; one who unlawfully enters another's territory; person who crosses a border; one who enters into forbidden territory

trial adj. experimental; exploratory; test; used as a sample

trial n. examination of facts by a judicial tribunal (Law); test; subjection to suffering or difficulty; attempt; experiment; annoyance

triangle n. shape having three sides and three corners; three-sided polygon; group of three

trivial adj. trifling; unimportant; insignificant; minor

trustee n. person granted legal custodianship over property not belonging to him; one who is appointed to administer an institution (Law)

trustee v. to grant a person or persons legal custodianship over property not belonging to them; to appoint a person or persons to administer an institution (Law)

tumble n. an act of tumbling; a fall; confusion; disorder

tumble v. to fall or roll end over end; to topple, as from power or a high position; fall; to drop; to collapse

turnabout n. the act of turning about and facing or moving in the opposite direction; a shift or change in opinion, loyalty, or allegiance

turnover n. number of people coming in and leaving (e.g. employees and customers); gross revenues; total business done; rate of selling or producing; change; reversal

