

分类: 职称英语  时间: 2023-12-06 12:54:03 

1. He received penalty for drunk driving.
   A. pension          B. fine
   C. complaint        D. compensation
B.线索:借助题干中核心结构的词义色彩缩小答案范围。drunk driving是贬义词,因此排除A和D。借助常见搭配:complain( make a complaint) of/about../抱怨..,排除C,所以答案是B(罚款)
Receive: v. 受到,经历, 遭受, 欢迎/接待
receive good treatment受到好的对待
receive guests欢迎客人
retirement pension退休金
social security-type pensions社会保险[障]型养老金
unemployment pension失业救济金
2. John talked over the new job offer with his wife.
A. discussed         B. mentioned
   C. accepted         D. rejected
A.     线索:习惯搭配结构:
discuss..with sb. = talk about…with ../和…讨论…
talk around 劝说:
I talked them around to my point of view.我说服了他们接受我的观点
talk sb.into doing..v.说服某人做某事
talk to sb. v.找某人谈话
3. He picked up all the magazines one after another and examined them.
A. bit by bit        B. in turn
C. in order      D. by chance
B.     线索:短语结构中核心词汇的基本含义大致决定了该短语的含义。
in order adv.整齐, 状况良好
by chance/accident adv.偶然, 意外地
comp: on purpose: adv.故意
in turn adv.依次, 轮流
one after another adv.接连地
bit by bit (= little by little)adv.渐渐, 一点一点
4. The workers finally called off the strike.
A. put off       B. gave off
C. cancelled     D. ended
C.     考点:考察常见短语的用法。
call off v. 取消
call for v. 需要;要求;
The occasion calls for a cool head. 这种场合需要冷静的头脑。
call forth唤起;引起
call on 拜访
I'll call on him tomorrow. 明天我去拜访他。
call up 召集;动员
give off v.发出(蒸汽、光等),长出(枝、杈等)
give up v.放弃(念头、希望等), 停止
5. Traditional Chinese medicine is famous for using herbs(香草) with  healing properties.
A. possessions       B. components
C. attributes        D. purposes
C.   线索:借助搭配结构含义判断答案(“有治疗(特性)的香草”最合适。)
possession n.有, 所有, 拥有; [pl. ]所有物; 财产, 财富; 所有权
personal possessions 个人财产
6. I catch a cold now and then.
A. always                B. occasionally
C. constantly        D. regularly
now and then adv.偶尔
7. I am sorry I can’t grasp the meaning of the book you asked me to read yesterday.
A. understand        B. take
C. accept            D. agree
8. Many fine cooks insist on ingredients (成分)of the highest quality.
A. demand                B. rely on
C. prepare for       D. create
A.     分析:考察常见短语。
Insist on: v. 坚决认为, 坚决要求(on, upon)
insist on sb.'s innocence坚持认为某人无罪
I insisted on his coming with us.我坚持要求他和我们一起来
Stick to: v. 坚持(原则或决定)
stick to basic principles.基本原则
rely on v.依赖, 依靠
prepare for v.准备, 使有准备
比较:survive v.幸免于, 幸存, 生还
e.g. plants that can survive frosts.历经寒霜而存活的植物
provide: provide sth. for../provide sb. with sth.
supply: supply sth. for../supply sb. with sth.
supply/meet/satisfy needs
inform sb. of ..
demand: demand sth.
ask: ask for sth./ask sb. to do sth. /ask sb. sth. (询问某人…)

