

分类: 职称英语  时间: 2023-12-06 12:53:37 
Indifferent (B)adj(与to连用)不感兴趣的;漠不关心的
indirect (B) adj. 间接的
individual  n. 个人;个体 adj. 个别的,单独的,个人的(rights of individuals/个人权利)
indoors  adv. 在户内(go indoors/进入户内,stay indoors/待在家中)
industrial adj. 工业的;产业的(an industrial country/工业国, the industrial areas/工业区)
industry n. 工业;产业;行业;勤奋(advertising industry/广告业, the heavy industry/重工业, the tourist industry/旅游业, machine-driven industry/机器制造业)
inevitable adj. 不可避免的,必然的;infect vt. [医]传染,感染(be infected with/感染,沾染上)
infer (B)v. 推断
inferior (B)adj.下等的, 下级的, 差的, 次的; infinite (B) adj.无限的;无数的;极大的 (infinite space/无边无际的空间)
inflation n. 胀大,夸张;通货膨胀;(物价)暴涨(demand inflation/需求膨胀check inflation/控制通货膨胀)
influence  n. 影响,感化;势力;有影响的人(或事) vt. 影响;改变(have an influence on../对…有影响, a man of great influence/很有势力的人)
influenza (B)n.流行性感冒
inform v. 通知,告诉;获悉;告知(be informed of/听说;接到……的通知,keep ...informed/随时向……报告情况)
informal  adj. 不正式的;不拘礼节的(an informal visit/非正式的访问)
information  n. 通知;报告;消息;情报;资料(as far as (our information goes/照(我们)现有的资料来看, an information desk/问讯处,); initial  adj. 最初的;词首的;初始的 n. 词首大写字母(the initial issue of a magazine/杂志的创刊号)
injure  vt. 损害,伤害(injure a man’s pride/伤害某人的自尊心)
injury  n. 伤害,侮辱(injury to credit/损毁信用, suffer injuries to the head/头部受伤)
inner adj. 内部的;里面的;内心的(the inner feelings/内心的感情)
innocent  (B)adj. 清白的,无罪的;天真的(be innocent of a crime/无罪, an innocent child/天真的孩子)
input  n. 输入.v. 输入(signal input/信号输入, capital input/资本投入 )
inquire  v. 询问;查究inquire into/盘查,调查,追究, inquire about/查问)
inside n. 里面,内部adj. 内部的;秘密的prep. 在……之内(inside facts/内幕,秘密, the inside of a box/匣子的内部, inside out/里子朝外的;完全地,彻底地)
insight n. 洞察力,见识(gain an insight into/了解,熟悉, a man of insight/有洞察力的人)
insist v. 坚持,强调(insist on. 坚持;坚决主张)
inspect vt. 检查,视察v. 检查(inspect school/视察学校, inspect a factory/视察工厂)
inspire vt. 吸(气);鼓舞;感动;激发vi. 吸入;赋予灵感(inspire a new thought into sb. /将新思想灌输给某人, inspire sb. with hope/激起某人的希望)
install  vt. 安装;安置(install a heating system/装暖气设备)
instance n. 实例;建议;要求;情况(in all instances/在一切情况下, in this instance/在这种情况下, for instance/例如,举例说)
instant  adj. 立即的;直接的; (食品)速溶的;方便的;即时的(in instant need of help/急需帮助, instant coffee/速溶咖啡); instead  adv. 代替;改为;更换(instead of/代替;而不是)
instruction  n. 指示;用法说明(书);教育;指导;指令(give instruction in/讲授, an instruction book/说明书)
instrument  n. 工具;手段;器械(an instrument for writing/书写工具, musical instrument/乐器, optical instrument/光学仪器) insure(B) vt.给...保险; v.确保
intelligence  n. 智力;聪明;智能(intelligence quotient (IQ)/智商, an intelligence test/智力测验, an intelligence agent/情报员 ) intelligent  adj. 聪明的,有才智的;[计]智能的
intend  vt. 想要;打算;意指(be intended to (do)意思是使;是用来, intend for/打算供……使用)
intense adj. 强烈的,剧烈的(intense heat/酷热, intense pain/剧痛, an intense longing/渴望)
intensive  adj. 强烈的;精深的;透彻的(make an intensive study of sth. /对某事进行深入的研究, intensive reading/精读)
intention n. 意图;目的(by intention/故意, have no intention of doing .../无意做……, with the intention of/抱有……目的;打算); interest  n. 兴趣;关心;利息;利益 vt. 使发生兴趣;引起……的注意(a question of common interest/共同关心的问题, the public interests/公共利益, annual interest/年利润, pay 5 percent interest on a loan/借款付五分息)
interesting  adj. 有趣味的;引起好奇(或注意)的

