

分类: 职称英语  时间: 2023-12-06 12:53:37 
3. 直接解题
A. Rich resources of the state
B. Connection with the outside world
C. Transportation problem
D. The natives of the land
E. Cold climate
F. Land and population
1. paragraph 3__________ 
Alaska is America’s largest state, but only about 325,000 people live there According to estimates, 800,000 hectares of its land area are fit for plowing but only about 64,000 hectares being cultivated.
1. F。分析:段落中出现了特征词—数字,借助数字的内容325,000 people live there(涉及人口),800,000 hectares和640,000 hectares being cultivated(涉及土地面积)判断F是答案。
A. Rich resources of the state
B. Connection with the outside world
C. Transportation problem
D. The natives of the land
E. Cold climate
2。paragraph 4__________ 
Arctic Alaska has been the home of Eskimos for countless centuries. It is believed that the Eskimos moved there from Mongolia or Siberia, probably crossing Bering Strait, named for Vitus Bering, the Danish sea captain who discovered Alaska on his voyage for Russia in 1741.The Eskimos are the state’s earliest known inhabitants Russian fur traders established settlements but, by the time Alaska was sold to the United States, most of the traders had departed.
2. D。分析:段首句说“位于北极地区的阿拉斯加州一直是爱斯基摩人的家园”。而段落中多次出现Eskimos(当地居民),因此判断D是答案。
A. Rich resources of the state
B. Connection with the outside world
C. Transportation problem
E. Cold climate
3.   Paragraph 5__________ 
In 1896 gold was discovered near the Klondike River in Canada just across the Alaskan border. Thousands of Americans rushed to the region on their way to Klondike; some never returned. Alaska was never completely cut off again, although even today transportation is a major problem. There are only two motor routes from the U.S mainland, and within the state, every town has its own airfield. Planes fly passengers, mail and freight to the most distant villages.
3. 分析:C. In 1896 gold was discovered near the Klondike River (似乎暗示A是答案)但是段未句Planes fly passengers, mail and freight to the most distant villages又暗示C是答案,段落中间的结构Alaska was never completely cut off again, although even today transportation is a major problem. There are only two motor routes暗示交通是该段的主题,因此判断C是答案。
A. Rich resources of the state
B. Connection with the outside world
E. Cold climate
4. paragraph 6__________                           
The gold that changed life so suddenly for Alaska was soon ended, and although many stories about mining camps have become part of American literature, the gold from Alaskan earth contributed less to economic progress than the fish from Alaskan waters. The fish from Alaskan waters. The fish caught in a single year range in value from $80 million to $90 million. Fur-bearing animals are plentiful in the forests and streams, and valuable fur seals inhabit the waters. After fishing, the state’s chief industry is lumber and the production of wood pulp. In recent years, Alaska’s single most important resource has become oil. The state also has large deposits of coal, copper, gold and other minerals.
4.  A。分析;段首句中出现了“黄金”,而在段落的末尾出现了“石油,煤,铜,其他矿物质”,这些词在含义上都与“资源”有关,因此判断A是答案。
A. as fish does
B. because of its rich natural resources
C. by the United States in the 19th century
D. shines day and night
E. only a very small percentage
F. a limited amount of the gold found there
5. For as long as three months of a year, the Sun ___on the ice-covered land of Alaska.
5. D。分析: 空格处需要主语,借助句子中出现的特征词three months 和day and night作为答案线索,这样找到答案相关句:
May until early August(与three months呼应), the midnight sun never sets on this flat, treeless region, but the sun can not melt the icy soil more than two-thirds of a meter down. 该句说“从5月到8月午夜的太阳不会落下”,因此判断D是答案。
A. as fish does
B. because of its rich natural resources
C. by the United States in the 19th century
E. only a very small percentage
F. a limited amount of the gold found there
6. According to statistics, ___________of the total area of Alaska has been used for farming.
6.E. 分析:直接根据搭配语意(阿拉斯加州只有很小的一部分被用于耕种)判断E合适。
A. as fish does
B. because of its rich natural resources
C. by the United States in the 19th century
F. a limited amount of the gold found there
7. Alaska was originally part of Russia, but was bought ____________.
7. C。分析:分析:直接根据搭配语意(阿拉斯加州最初属于俄国,但是在19世纪美国购买了这块地方)
A.as fish does
B. its rich natural resources.
F.a limited amount of the gold found there
8.Gold did not bring to Alaska as much wealth  ______________.
8.A分析:空格前出现了as much,该结构暗示空格处应该出现比较结构,因此A合适。as much as../与..一样多

