

分类: 职称英语 

第五讲 五个基本句型



1) 主语 + 系动词 + 表语
2) 主语 + 不及物动词 (+ 其他成分)
3) 主语 + 及物动词 + 宾语
4) 主语 + 及物动词 + 双宾语
5) 主语 + 及物动词 + 宾语 + 宾语补足语


(一)第一句型:主语 + 系动词 + 表语

1) 系动词一般为be 动词。

注意:look, feel, sound, smell, taste, get, become, come, go, turn, grow, keep, seem, stand等词可以作"半系动词"用,按行为动词方式变化,起系动词的作用。


—— He felt the pockets thoroughly but did not find a single penny.(他摸遍了口袋但没有找到一分钱。—— feel为行为动词)
—— You look pale. Do you feel unwell? (你脸色苍白,感到不舒服?—— look / feel为系动词)

一般来说,动词后面跟的是个形容词或名词,该动词为系动词, 如:The plan sounds perfect. / The flower smells nice. / The dish tastes delicious. / It is getting dark.


"Don't worry. Let me take your pulse first." "Oh, it ______ normal." (脉搏正常)

A. is felt
B. is feeling
C. feels
D. felt

解题思路:normal为形容词,前面应为系动词;系动词没有被动语态,故A不对; look, feel, sound, taste, smell, seem等半系动词一般不用进行时,B也不对;D时态错了,故正确答案为C.

2)there be是英语中非常重要的一个句型: there是引导词,不解释 "那里"; 这是个倒装句, 主语在be动词的后面, be动词的单复数由后面的主语决定。


There isn't enough furniture in the room.(房间里家具不够)
错:There hasn't enough furniture in the room.

There is no doubt that smallpox has been wiped out in China.(毫无疑问,中国已消灭天花。)
错:It is no doubt that smallpox has been wiped out in China.

There is ample evidence that AIDS is spreading quickly in Asia. (充分证据表明,爱滋病正在亚洲迅速蔓延。—— 同位语从句)
错:It is evidence that AIDS is spreading quickly in Asia. (可以: It is evident that AIDS is spreading quickly in Asia. - 主语从句)

(二)第二句型:主语 + 不及物动词 (+ 其他成分)


不及物动词 及物动词

rise /rose / risen(升起) raise /raised / raised (提高)
arise / arose / arisen (from)(产生) arouse / aroused / aroused(唤起)
lie / lay / lain(躺下) lay / laid / laid(放下)
arrive at(到达) reach(到达)
wait for(等待) await(等待)
remain(仍旧) maintain(保持,维修)



1) 用here 或 there引导:Here comes the bus. (汽车来了。) / There rings the bell. (铃响了。)

2) 在动词 + 介词短语的结构中,往往将介词短语提前:On the top of the hill stands a pretty little house.(山顶上有一座漂亮的小房子。)

(三)第三句型:主语 + 及物动词 + 宾语

我们知道,名词可以做主语和宾语,非谓语动词 -ing和 to do也可以做主语和宾语,


Learning a foreign language is not easy.(学门外语并不容易。)

To learn a foreign language is not easy. (= It is not easy to learn a foreign language.)



1)acknowledge / admit / appreciate / avoid / consider / contemplate / defer / deny / dislike / enjoy / escape / evade / excuse / facilitate / fancy / favor / feel like / finish / give up / cannot help / cannot stand / imagine / include / keep (on) / do not mind / miss / permit / practice / regret / resent / risk / suggest 等词后面的动词宾语必须用-ing 形式,重点和首先要掌握黑体字部分。由于这些次的词义与解题关系不大,没有给出具体词义解释。若需要,请学生自己查字典解决。


It is impossible to avoid ______ by the stormy weather.

A. being much affected
B. having much affected
C. to be much affected
D. to have been much affected

解题思路:1)一看到avoid一词,便可确定正确答案在A、B中; 2)affect意为"影响",及物动词,故B不对。[如果做题时间来不及,此类题目若有"主动语态"和"被动语态"之分,一般选"被动语态"的正确率高些。]

2) remember / forget:后面既可跟 -ing, 也可跟 to do,但意思不一样:to do表示说话时还没有发生的事,-ing表示对已经发生过事的回忆,如:"我昨天出门时忘了关窗了。"显然是指出门时还没有做的事,因此用to do形式;"我不记得以前见过你。"显然是指说话以前的事,因此用 -ing形式,即:

I forgot to close the windows when I left home yesterday.
I don't remember seeing you before.



Do you remember ______ to Professor Smith during your last visit?

A. to have been introduced
B. having introduced
C. being introduced
D. to be introduced

解题思路:1)第一步要确定"发生过"还是"没有发生",即A、D还是B、C,"你记得上次访问时被介绍给Smith教授的情况吗?"显然是已发生的事,选B、C;2)"introduce"(介绍)后没有宾语,说明是"被动语态:,故选C [再看一下上一节中的 "解题思路"]

3)need / want / require等解释为"需要"时,有两种表达方式,如:


A.This waiting room needs to be cleaned. (to 被动式)
B.This waiting room needs cleaning.(-ing主动式)


4)look forward to / object to / subject to / be subjected to / be opposed to / oppose to中的 "to" 是介词,后面应跟名词或动名词-ing

