

分类: 职称英语  时间: 2023-12-06 12:53:20 
第三部分:概括大意与完成句子 (每题1分,共8分)
    阅读下面这篇短文,短文后有2项测试任务:(1)1---4 题要求从所给的6个选项中为第2--5 段每段选择1个正确的小标题;(2)第5--8题要求从所给的6个选项中选择4个正确的选项,分别完成每个句子。请将答案涂在答题卡相应的位置上。
    Successful Language Learners
    Some people seem to have a knack for learning languages. They can pick up new vocabulary, master rules or grammar, and learn to write in the new language more quickly than others. They do not seem to be any more intelligent than others, so what makes language learning so much easier for them? Perhaps if we take a close look at these successful language learners, we may discover a few of the techniques that make language easier for them.
    First of all, successful language learners are independent learners. They do not depend on the book or the teacher; they discover their own way to learn the language. Instead of waiting for the teacher to explain, they try to find the patterns and the rules for themselves. They are good guessers who look for clues and form their own conclusions. When they guess wrong, they guess again. They try to learn from mistakes.
    Successful language learning is active learning. Therefore, successful learners do not wait for a chance to use the language; they look for such a chance. They find people who speak the language and they ask these people to correct them when they make a mistake. They will try anything to communicate. They are not afraid to repeat what they hear or to say strange things; they are willing to make mistakes and try again. When communication is difficult, they can accept information that is inexact or incomplete. It is more important for them to learn to think in the language than to know the meaning of every world.
    Finally, successful language learners are learners with a purpose. They want to learn the language because they are interested in the language and the people who speak it. It is necessary for them to learn the language in order to communicate with these people and to learn from them. They find it easy to practice using the language regularly because they want to learn with it.
    What kind of language learner are you? If you are a successful language learner, you have probably been learning independently, actively, and purposefully. On the other hand, if your language learning has been less than successful, you might as well try some of the techniques outlined above.
    1. Paragragh1_____________.
    2. Paragragh2_____________.
    3. Paragragh3_____________.
    4. Paragragh4_____________.
    A. Ways to learn a language Successfully
    B. Learning to Language Purposefully
    C. Learning a Language Actively
    D. Learning a Language Independently
    E. Learning from Mistakes
    F. Learning to Think in the Target Language
    5. Successful language learners derive conclusions _____________.
    6. Independent language learners relay on themselves _____________.
    7. Active language learners seize every opportunity _____________.
    8. The author wrote this text _____________.
    A. to discover sentence patterns and grammatical rules
    B. to expand vocabulary
    C. to use the target language
    D. to encourage unsuccessful language learners to learn independently, actively and purposely
    E. from clues
    F. to say strange things
    Goal of American Education
    Education is all enormous and expensive part of American life. Its size is matched by its variety.
    Differences in American schools compared with those found in the majority of other countries lie in the fact that education here has long been intended for everyone—not just for a privileged elite.Schools ale expected to meet the needs of every child, regardless of ability, and also the needs of society itself.This means that public schools offer more than academic subjects. It surprises many people when t11ey come here to find high schools offering such courses as typing,sewing, radio repair, computer programming or driver training, along with traditional academic subjects such as mathematics, history, and languages. Students choose their curricula depending on their interests, future goals, and level of ability. The underlying goal of American education is to develop every child to the utmost of his or her own possibilities, and to give each one a sense of civic and community consciousness.
    Schools have traditionally played an important role in creating national unity and "Americanizing" the millions of immigrants who have poured into this country from many different backgrounds and origins.Schools still play a large role in the community,especially in the smalltowns. The approach to teaching may seem unfamiliar to many,not only because it is informal, but also because there is not much emphasis on learning facts. Instead, Americans try to teach their children toⅡ1ink for themselves and to develop their own intellectual and creative abilities. Students spend much time, learning how to use resource materials libraries,statistics and computers. Americans believe that if children are taught to reason well and to research well, they will be able to find whatever facts they need throughout the rest of their lives. Knowing how to solve problems is considered more important than the accumulation of facts.
    This is America's answer to the searching question that thoughtful parents all over the world are asking themselves in the fast-moving time: "How Can one prepare today's child for a tomorrow that one can neither predict nor understand?"
    privileged adj.享有特权的
    elite n.精英,精华
    academic adj.学术的
    curricula n.课程
    underlying adj.潜在的
    reason v.推理
    1.Which of the following best states the goal of American education?
    A)To teach every learner some practical skills.
    B)To provide every learner with rich knowledge.
    C)To give every student the opportunity to fully develop his/her ability.
    D)To train every student to be a responsible citizen.
    2.It is implied in the passage that_______.
    A)all high-school students take the same courses.
    B)every high school student must take some practical ability training courses.
    C)every public school offers the same academic subjects.
    D)the subjects every student takes may vary.
    3.American schools place great emphasis on the learner's__________.
    A)enrichment of knowledge.
    B)accumulation of facts.
    C)acquisition of the ability to be creative.
    D)acquisition of the ability to work with his hands.
    4.According to the passage, American education meets the needs of all the following EXCEPT______.
    A)the brightest students.
    B)the slow students. C)the students from foreign countries.
    D)the immigrants.
    5. Which of the following best states the feature of American education that makes it different from education in other countries?
    A)The large number of its schools.
    B)The variety of the courses offered in its schools.
    C)Its special consideration given to immigrants.
    D)Its underlying goal to develop every child's abilities to the fullest extent
    Ford Abandons Electric Vehicles
    The Ford motor company's abandonment of electric cars effectively signals the end of the road for the technology, analysts say.
    General Motors and Honda ceased production of battery powered cars in 1999, to focus on fuel cell and hybrid electric gasoline engines, which are more attractive to the consumer. Ford has now announced it will do the same.
    Three years ago, the company introduced the Think City two—seater car and a golf cart called the THINK, or Think Neighbor. It hoped to sell 5,000 cars each year and 10,000 carts. But a lack of demand means only about l,000 of the cars have been produced,and less than 1,700 carts have been sold so far in 2002.
    "The bottom line is we don't believe that this is the future of environment transport for the mass market." Tim Holmes of Ford Europe said on Friday. "We feel we have given electric our best shot."
    The Think City has a range of only about 53 miles and up to a six-hour battery recharge time. General Motors EVI electric vehicle also had a limited range of about 100 miles.
    The very expensive batteries also mean electric cars cost much more than petrol-powered alternatives. An electric Toyot~RAV4 EV vehicle costs over$42,000 in the US, compared with just $17,000 for the petrol version. Toyota and Nissan…are now the only major automanufacturers to produce electric vehicles.
    "There is a feeling that battery electric has been given its chance. Ford now has to move on with its hybrid program, and that is what we will be judging them on," Roger Higman, a senior transport campaigner at UK Friends of the Earth, told the Environment News Service.
    Hybrid cars introduced by Toyota and Honda in the past few years have sold well. Hybrid engines Offer Greater mileage than petrol—only engines, and the batteries recharge themselves. Ford says it thinks such vehicles will help it meet planned new guidelines "on vehicle emissions" in the U.S.
    However, it is not yet clear exactly what those guidelines will permit. In June, General Motors and Daimler Chrysler won a court injunction, delaying by two years Californian legislation requiring car—makers to offer 100,000 zero-emission and other low—emission vehicles in the state by 2003. Car manufacturers hope the legislation will be rewritten to allow for more low--emission, rather than zero—emission, vehicles.
    1. What have the Ford motor company. General Motor's and Honda done concerning electric cars?
    A)They have started to produce electric cars.
    B)They have done extensive research on electric Cars
    C They have given up producing electric cars.
    D)They have produced thousands of electric Cars
    2. According to Tim Holmes of Ford Europe, battery-powered cars___________.
    A)will be the main transportation vehicles in the future
    B1 will not be the main transportation vehicles in the future.
    C)will be good to the environment in the future
    D)will replace petrol—powered vehicles in the future.
    3. Which auto manufacturers are still producing electric vehicles?
    A)Toyota and Nissan
    B)General Motor's and Honda
    C)Ford and Toyota
    D)Honda and Toyota
    4.According to the eighth paragraph, hybrid cars_______.
    A)offer fewer mileage than petrol driven cars
    B)run faster than petrol driven cars
    C)run more miles than petrol driven cars
    D)offer more batteries than petrol driven cars
    5.Which of the following is true about the hope of car manufacturers according to the last paragraph?
    A)Low-emission cars should be banned.
    B)Only zero-emission cars are allowed to run on motorways.
    C)The legislation will encourage car makers to produce more electric cars.
    D)The legislation will allow more 10w emission to be produced.
    In-line Skating and Injuries
    Increasing number of children are taking up in-line skating, and it is those new skaters who are most at risk for injuries, according to a statement from an American research institute.
    Some 17.7 million people younger than age 18 participated in the sport in the US in 1996, a 24% increase over the previous year.
    Also in 1996, in-line skating injuries sent 76,000 skaters under the age of 21 to the emergency room. Inexperienced skaters accounted for 14% of all injuries requiring treatment.
    The most common reasons for injuries were losing one's balance due to road debris, being unable to stop, out-of-control speeding, or falls while doing a trick.
    One third of skating injuries are to the wrist, and two thirds of wrist injuries are fractures. Wearing wrist guards could reduce the number of these injuries by an estimated 87%, according to the AAP.
    Likewise, elbow pads could reduce elbow injuries by 82%, and knee pads could reduce the number of knee injuries by 32%, advise the experts.
    Helmet used by young skaters is required by law in New York and Oregon, and the research institute also recommends that young skaters wear a bicycle helmet or a similar approved sports helmet.
    The age at which children are ready to use in 1ine skates depends upon a number of conditions, including the child's foot size and body strength, general athletic ability and muscle coordination, and the ability to judge traffic and pay attention to the condition of the skating surface ahead, the expels advise.
    The most dangerous skating practice, called 'truck—surfing', involves skating while holding onto a moving vehicle.Few skaters have fatal injuries, but 31 out of 36 deaths reported since 1992 involved being knocked down by a motor vehicle, according to data from the US Consumer Product Safety Commission.
    inexperienced /adj.缺乏经
    1.How many people took part in in-line skating in the US in 1995?
    A)About 17.7 million.
    B)More than 17.7 million.
    C) Fewer than 17.7 million.
    D)Exactly 17.7 million.
    2.Which of the following is NOT mentioned as one of the most common reasons for injuries?
    A)Skating with wrist and elbow wounds.
    B)Losing one's balance due to road debris.
    C)Being unable to stop due to high speed.
    D)Falling down when doing a trick.
    3.What are the things experts might NOT advise youngsters to wear?
    A)Wrist guards.
    B)Elbow and knee pads.
    C)Helmets of some kind.
    D)Boots and thick clothes.
    4."Truck-surfing" means_____
    A)skating inside a truck while it is moving.
    B)skating while holding onto a moving truck.
    C)skating at a speed faster than a truck.
    D)skating at the end of a moving truck.
    5.According to the last paragraph, bumping with a motor vehicle took up _______deaths reported since 1992.
    A)over 80%
    B)below 80%
    C)about 31%
    D)about 36%

