

分类: 职称英语  时间: 2023-12-06 12:52:48 
object observe obvious occur ocean of off offer official often oil old on once one only onto open operate or order organism other our out outside over own oxygen
pacific pack pain pair Pakistan panel parent park part particle particular particularly pass past patient pattern pay pen people per percent perhaps period permanent person personal phone physical physicist pick picture piece pilot place plan planet plant play point policy political pollution poor popular population possibility possible potential power predict prefer pregnancy present president pressure prevent prevention price private probably problem process produce product production professional professor profit program progress project promote protect protection prove provide psychological public publish pull purpose push put
quality quarter question quickly quite
radiation railroad rain raise range rapidly rate rather reach ready real reality really reason receive recent recently recommend record reduce region relate relation relationship relatively release rely remain remains remember remove replace report represent require research researcher resident resist resistance resource respond rest result return reveal reverse rich right rise risk river robot rock role room route rule run Russian
safe safety same sample save say saying scan school science scientific scientist score screen screening sea seat second see seem select sell send sense sensitive serious serve service set settle seven several severe shadow shape share she shift ship shock short should show shrink sick side sign signal significant similar simple simply since single site situation six size skate skill skin sleep slightly slow small smoke smoker snow so social society software soil solution some someone something sometimes soon sort sound source south space speak speaker special specialist species speech speed spend sport spot spread spring square stand standard star start state statement station statistic stay steel step still stomach stop store storm story strategy street strength stress strike stroke strong structure struggle student study style subject such suffer suffering sugar suggest summer sun supply support sure surface surprise surprising survey survive suspect sweat swim switch symbol symptom system
table take talk tap task tax teach teacher teaching team technique technology television tell temperature ten tend term terrorist test than that the their them themselves then theory there these they thing think this those though thought thousand threat threaten three through throughout thus time tiny tissue to tobacco today together ton too top total tower toy track trade traditional traffic train transmit transport travel treat treatment tree trend trigger trouble true try tumor turn twice twin two type under underground understand understanding unfortunately union unit universe university unlike until up upon urban urge us use used usually
value variety various vehicle very vessel view virus vision visit vitamin volcano volume
wait wake walk wall want war warm warn wash Washington waste watch water wave way we weak wear weather week weight well western wet whale what whatever when where whether which while white who whole whose why wide wife wild wildlife will win wind winter wire with within without wonder wood word work worker world worse would write writing wrong
x-ray year yet you young your

