

分类: 职称英语 


1.  warm people likely to keep cold at bay:情绪乐观的人不易患感冒。warm people原意是“热心肠的人,情绪高昂的人”,keep/hold… at bay是“使…走投无路,不使…接近”的意思,因此本题目如果直译则是“情绪高昂的人可能让感冒不能得逞”或“情绪高昂的人可能远离感冒”或“情绪高昂的人可能拒感冒于千里之外”。

2.  staying positive:保持积极向上(的情绪)

3.  expose healthy volunteers to a cold or flu virus:使健康的志愿者接触感冒(病毒)或流感病毒。expose原意是“使暴露,使面临”,这里expose sb. to sth.是“使...接触...”的意思。

4.  sunny disposition:乐观开朗的个性

5.  positive emotional style:乐观情绪型,情绪积极型

6.  ward off:避开,防止

7.  scratchy throat:嗓子痛

 runny nose:流鼻涕

8.  susceptible to:对…敏感的,容易受到…的

9.  as to:关于,至于


1.  According to a study author, when people with a positive emotional style do get a cold, they may think ___________.

A)  that their illness is very serious

B)  that their illness is not so serious

C)  that they do not get any illness at all

D)  that the illness they get is not a mild one

2.  People with a positive emotional style may have all of the following characteristics EXCEPT ____________.

A)  happy

B)  selfish

C)  easy-going

D)  energetic

3.  Which of the following is NOT one of the characteristics that people with a negative emotional style may have?

    A)  Hostile.

    B)  Unhappy.

    C)  Warm-blooded.

    D)  Tense.

4.  How did the researchers test their volunteers?

    A)  By giving everyone nasal drops containing either a cold virus or a particular flu virus.

    B)  By giving everyone a medicine that help lessen the probability of catching cold.

    C)  By giving everyone an injection boosting immune function.

    D)  By investigating everyone’s characteristics, interests and hobbies.

5.  Which of the following items is NOT included in the data that the researchers collected?

    A)  Mucus production.

    B)  Aches and pains.

    C)  Sneezing or congestion.

    D)  Blood test.


1.        B  本题答案来自第三段,其中第二句说,“当他们的确患感冒时,他们认为病情并不太严重”。  

2.        B  选项A、C、D在第五段第二句均提到,只有B项没提到,而且从逻辑推理,情绪乐观的人绝不会是“自私自利”的人。

3.        C  选项A、B、D也均在第五段第二句提到,而C项“热情洋溢”也不应属于情绪低落、消极的人所应有的性格特征。

4.        A  第六段第一句说的就是“研究者给这些志愿者一些含有感冒病毒或某种流感病毒的滴鼻剂”,这正是本题答案。

5.        D  选项A、B、C在第六段第二句均提到,而D项则不在其中之列。

