

分类: 职称英语 

Do you ever + V ...?
說明︰ever 通常用於<疑問句>,never 通常用於否定回答;never 也可放在句首,後接原形 <動詞>,形成否定<祈使句>,如例句4。
Do you ever use a computer? No, I never use a computer.
Does Tom ever get up late? No, Tom never gets up late.
Does Sally ever play the piano? No, Sally never plays the piano.
Never be late for school, Bill. 比爾,上學絕不可遲到。

What year was he born in?
結構︰What date/year+was/were+主詞+born+on/in?
說明︰此句型意為“你出生於幾月幾日(那一年)?”。born 是<原形動詞> bear 的過去<分詞>,在文法上當 <形容詞>,前面常有 was 或 were;中文說“某人出生”,英語應說:“某人+was/were born…”。
What year were you born in? 你出生於那一年?
What date was your mother born on? 你母親出生於幾月幾日?
What month was your sister born in? 你妹妹出生於幾月?

What will you do on ...?
結構︰What will/did+主詞+do+on+時間?
What will you do on Teacher’s Day? 你在教師節將做什麼事?
What will they do on Christmas Eve? 他們在聖誕夜將做什麼事?
What will Helen do on her birthday? 海倫在她生日那天將做什麼事?
What did John do on New Year’s Day? 約翰在元旦做了什麼事?
What did Mary do on Youth Day? 瑪麗在青年節做了什麼事?
What did the suspect do on July ninth? 嫌疑犯在七月九日做了什麼事情?

How do you + V ...?
說明︰How 是問情況的<疑問副詞>,表示“怎樣…?”。用於說明“狀態或性質”的副詞,稱為 <情狀副詞>。當用來修飾<不及物動詞>時,<情狀副詞>位於其後;當用來修飾<及物動詞>時,<情狀動詞>位於<及物動詞>的前面或後面。
How did you do your work? I did my work happily.
你怎樣做你的工作? 我很快樂地做了我的工作。
How did Mrs. Lin look at Mr. Lin? She looked at Mr. Lin coldly.
林太太怎樣注視林先生? 她冷漠地注視林先生。
How does Mr. Wang drive his taxi? He drives his taxi carefully.
王先生怎樣駕駛他的計程車? 他小心地駕駛他的計程車。

You are ..., aren’t you?
說明︰這是一種反意<疑問句>,其結構特點是:第一部分是肯定式,第二部分就用否定式。直述句的<主詞>是<名詞>時,附加問句的<主詞>要用<代名詞>代替:it 代替 this, that,<不定詞>(當<主詞>)或<動名詞>(當<主詞>)等;they 代替 these,those, people 等。下列<助動詞>的否定縮寫式較易弄錯:will not->won’t;would not-> wouldn’t;should not->shouldn’t;can not->can’t;could not->couldn’t; might not->mightn’t;ought not->oughtn’t。直述句有一般<動詞>現在式,則附加問句用 do 或 does 代替;有一般<動詞>過去式,則附加問句用 did 代替。
They’re ready, aren’t they?(讀降調)他們準備好了吧?(讀升調)他們準備好了,不是嗎?
Mike has a car, doesn’t he?(讀降調)麥克有輛車,是吧?(讀升調)麥克有輛車,不是嗎?
The secretary typed the letter, didn’t she? 是祕書打了這封信,不是嗎?
They will go to Europe, won’t they? 他們將去歐洲,不是嗎?
You are the teacher, aren’t you? 你就是老師,不是嗎?
I suppose you have been in our woods, haven’t you?我推想你在我們的森林裡呆過,不是嗎?
I know he had a good time last night, didn’t he? 我知道他昨天晚上玩得很愉快,不是嗎?
The wall plug is broken, isn’t it? 牆上的插座壞了,不是嗎?
Clean parks are beautiful, aren’t they? 乾淨的公園是美麗的,不是嗎?
You can do it, can’t you? 你會做它,不是嗎?
We should rise early, shouldn’t we? 我們應該早起,不是嗎?

